Application for Executive Researcher

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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Hi, first of all thank you for taking time out of your day to read this application!

I am Senior Researcher Micheal Fransisco, I have been apart of Site-65 for a good month now and I'd say I know my way around things.

The reason to why I wish to become an Executive Researcher is because I am confident I would be a more useful asset towards the SCP-Foundation. I would like to assure you that I will be a responsible Executive and that I will not abuse my power if you do accept this request.

Unfortunately, I have no lectures under my belt. But I have many research papers that have been graded excellent, I know how to format a document and I am sure I do it well.

I also hate it when new researchers within the facility are walking about confused and not knowing what to do. That is why I love to help out people needing it, I would much rather be answering questions all day than have a fellow researcher going about not knowing what to do.

I am take my current job as a Senior Researcher very seriously. The foundation is an important asset to global security and is the reason why many people are still alive to this day. That is why you can count on me to put in as much effort as I possibly can.

No matter what - if you do decide to accept my application - although being an Executive I can assure you that I will still listen to other Executives for advice. I am and will always be open to criticism and suggestions. I am always up for improving on myself and my job, that is why you can count on me working up to the best of my ability.

I am active daily, and if perhaps there will be a period of time when i am not I will make sure to announce it as to cause the least amount of bother within the facility.

I make it a chore to constantly keep up with all of the rules regarding ethics and researching within the Foundation so you wont have to worry about me slipping up due to a lack of knowledge.

In conclusion, I am 100% sure that I will be a useful asset to the Foundation. I will constantly be open for criticism and no matter what I will not abuse my power at all. That is to why I have applied and to why I hope you accept my application towards being an Executive Researcher. If however you do not approve, please do contact me to say why, as I can improve on any future applications.

Most Sincerely - Micheal Fransisco
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