Application to be an Executive Researcher (Updated)

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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198299861904
Discord name: Sr. Researcher Micheal Fransisco#0879
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Approximately 1 Month
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: BST (British Summer Time)
Character name(s): Micheal Fransisco
Civilian name: Micheal Townley
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Was banned early on in my time playing for killing a d-class as a cadet
Been warned for FailRP as at the time I didnt know how to RP
Been warned for glitch abusing as a d-class, I did not know at the time it was
Been warned for FearRP as a d-class, didnt hear the commands of the GENSEC during a riot
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

I am applying for the Executive Researcher role as I am confident I will be a useful asset towards the community and the foundation. I also see it as a very interesting and fun role which I would like to play.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I take my roles very seriously now.
I am always willing to teach all the new researchers within the facility the ins and outs of their jobs.
I am also very willing to help new researchers improve on their work.
I am very active within SCP-RP.
If However I will not be active for a period of time I would always make sure to announce it.
I understand fully on the responsibilities I am going to take if accepted.
I am confident I will be responsible.
I am always open to improvement.
I do not let me 'Ego' take the better part of me
I have learnt from my past ban and warnings and have read the rules of SCP-RP.
I see the civilgamers - more specifically SCP-RP - community to be a thriving one, and I would love to play an important role within it.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?


They are all graded excellent as the follow on the given format. Also because I squeeze out every last detail I can.
Another reason to why they are graded excellent is due to my grammar, punctuation and layout.
Also to why they are excellent - and to why I only have 3 E graded documents - is because I make my experiments unique but yet useful. I make sure that they have a purpose but also stand out from the rest.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

For them to insure that the staff of the research department are conducting their experiments appropriately.
To make sure that research personnel are doing their jobs.
To uphold the laws, codes and regulations of the science department and foundation.
To represent the research department.
To be a good example as a researcher.
To teach researchers.
To help researchers improve on their work.
To guide researchers.
To grade documents submitted by researchers.
To conduct training for Jr researchers.
To also ensure that the senior researchers are training Jr researchers.
To ensure that senior researchers are training them appropriately.
To ensure that all research staff follow the rules during any emergency situation.
To ensure that during an emergency situation that the PW is kept protected (via closing the PW doors and making sure that the checkpoint is guarded).
To keep make sure that all research staff are safe and calm.
To observe experiments frequently.
To suspend an experiment if I do have a reasonable concern (upcoming or ongoing).
To frequently be conducting lectures.
To encourage that other researcher give lectures as well.
To authorise a cross test if the cross test does not have major risks or breaks the code of ethics.
To discipline any unsafe or misbehaving researchers.
If the researcher is seen to be actively misbehaving or causing to much of a risk, then it is the Executives role to suspend them.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Micheal Fransisco
Nickname: The Cook

Age: 35
DoB: !2th October 1986

PoB: Glasgow, Scotland


Being lazy
Fast Food


Since birth Micheal had always found biological science interesting, and has always wished to be on an important science team.
During his school years Micheal only devoted his attention towatds Maths, English and Science.
Tragedy struck though when he was only 10, his parents both died in a fatal motorway accident. Ever since he has been afraid of cars and has always criticised their existence.
His parents death was also his inspiration to achieve his dreams as he knew his parents would be watching and was afraid to disappoint them.
He was amongst the best in school and was pulled out early at the age of 17 to join up to non-publicly known science department located within the Scottish Highlands. The location to this day still remains classified to most employees within it as to keep it a secret.
Said science department was called SISD (Scottish Independent Scientific Department). Micheal specialised in Biology there.
They constantly researched and experimented on strange creatures they could create. For exampe Micheal once created a jaguar and bald eagle hybrid.
The reason to why this science department was not affiliated with the Government though was because it was highly unethical, even at some points using prisoners as their subjects whilst studying on the animals.
Being apart of the SISD is also a reason to why Micheal can keep a secret.
When he was 34, he was contacted by the SCP-Foundation.
The Foundation was told he could keep secrets but most importantly they were told that he was amongst the best in the SISD.
That is where his real journey began, at the start he was not impressed as he was only had Level 1 access within Site-65. That is until he was ordered to experiment on SCP-173, only then it struck to him that type of place he was really in.
As he climbed through the ranks to a Senior Researcher only then he got used to the strange anomalies within Site-65. And only then he felt as he was experienced enough to sign up for the Executive Researcher...
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