Aren’t 008 breaches IA issues / should be dealt with ic

Omar D Chad

Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
Ok first of all breaching 008 should be in RP including CI or failed research test only. (Idk if they change something or added).

Second, if they make that breach an ethic issue (IC issue) then what will stop any ming/ rule breaker from breaching it, they will just die after they breaching it and keep doing it, and their goal is trying to stop/ruin the site RP, like imagine none stop 008 breaches then there will be no rp in the server.

Third (If its ethic issue), the foundation will think only about the 008 breach, don't think the ppl who breached it will still alive or still in server as I stated before they just trying to ruin the whole RP, like they don't have any reason to breach it, even if they got the knowledge of it.

John Iceland

Well-known Member
Simple. Let D-Class who learn about it in RP cause a breach by throwing themselves in there. However why would this be an IA issue, this would only be if a Foundation Personal was trying to breach it… which is going against your own team unless you were brain washed or whatever the case is… Which unless brain washed etc is FailRP and should be handled as such
Sep 6, 2022
Simple. Let D-Class who learn about it in RP cause a breach by throwing themselves in there. However why would this be an IA issue, this would only be if a Foundation Personal was trying to breach it… which is going against your own team unless you were brain washed or whatever the case is… Which unless brain washed etc is FailRP and should be handled as such
Because a convict who just escaped a security force would want to throw himself into a extremely infectious zombie virus...