Denied Assistant Change in the Chain of Command

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This would change
O5/Ethics Assistants (when not under direct orders from O5/Ethics)
in the Rules of the Chain of Command from being higher than MTF CO, and what not to be placed under
Executive Researchers | Medical Consultants | Ambassadors | Special Agents | Security Captains | MTF Commissioned Officers
This is because Assistants sometimes abuse their powers, while yes an O5/EC can deal with it, so it makes no sense why an MTF CO is lower than an assistant when not under orders

I would be fine if it's changed so MTF CO Is higher than Assistant, and Assistant is higher than Consultant and what not. Either or works

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Fewer Assistants abusing powers
Gives a point to being promoted to MTF CO rather than having an assistant order you around

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

I'm not entirely sure, I would think Assistant not having much else to do, and not being a stepping stone to get into SA.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

As Noticed, some ECAs/OSAs ( at least in the US) abuse there chain of command positions at times. It also adds a reason to go for MTF CO rather than becoming an assistant, be an assistant for awhile, and become SA. While assistant helps it adds a change to the chain of command
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
+support All these assistants do is power trip


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
totally not biased, i do think that assistants should be under COs at least, literally a senior position
- Support

As assistants we must ensure that the CoE and the CoC are being followed, I saw Nu7 trying to feed a ranger to SCP 457, we need checks and balances. (Hate me for it, I will cry at night when it happens).
You can still arrest them for breaking COE/COC, it's just you cant overrule them in situations.


Active member
Dec 7, 2022
Here is my experience:
ECA started trying to negotiate with goc while nu-7 and dea were currently getting attacked. and we couldn’t tell them to leave because they had power over our co’s. it was ridiculous it got to the point where they walked out the front fucking gate to call the un embassy to make contact which obviously didn’t work and since our commander wasn’t on surface we really couldn’t stop him
Which one sounds like it should have more power. A position in a regiment you have to spend at my least a few months to aquire, or a whitelist you get for applying on the forums
-/+ neutral

I know I'm going to get so much flack for this because I'm an assistant but hear me out, now from my knowledge MTF CO's are Sr. Cl4, if that's the case then sure, it should be with the agency manager level, HOWEVER I believe the best step forward in this area is creating regiment/job jurisdictions, for example NU-7 CO's have final say on surface, Epsilon-11 CO's have final say in HCZ but in general site operations, Assistants have jurisdiction as they are usually relied on during breaches etc when no SC/SA are available. This change would allow individuals to be superior in command in areas they are experienced in, acting as a 'separation of powers' so that the people that know what they are doing, can take control.

And to say something in relation to the power tripping you have all been seeing, for the love of god REPORT IT so that we can deal with these individuals. Thanks everyone.

If you would like to discuss this with me further or have any feedback on what I said, hit me up on discord: Hypnotoad#9561
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