Accepted Automated Evacuation Procedures

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jul 14, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
New budget cuts at other foundation sites, have allowed for more funds to be transferred to Site-65! Site-Administration has decided to invest the new funds into the safety of ALL foundation personnel, by paying Foundation Logistics to install the new "Automated Evacuation Procedure" chip in the server room! Having control over keypads, during severe, dangerous and outright deadly situations, a "Code Black" can be called by any CL5 foundation personnel on-site. When a "Code Black" is declared, all CL3 keypads leading up to garage are downgraded to CL2, to allow for more personnel to escape the horrible dangers and containment breaches that may occur!

(Note: Not all CL3 doors will be downgraded to CL2 during a code-black, only relevant doors assisting in the escape of personnel near/from EZ will be.)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Will save more foundation lives,
- Realistic,
- Allows for escape of ALL CL2+ (most) personnel without needing escort,
- Has no actual change on RP.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Would make hacking for CI easier, however I don't see this as an issue, as they would need to get past all the Nu7 holding down garage first.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Reminder: I know that there already is a system being built / needing to be built revamping keycard scanners. Ideally I'd want this suggestion to piggy back off of the system that's planned to be built.

It's a fun system, allowing all personnel to escape safely.

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
+/- Neutral
I get the idea, but the blast doors are CL3 for a reason. It still happens occasionally with CL3 that open the Blast door in garage or F2 for 008 or other SCP's. Sometimes its intentional and somtimes by mistake. Doesnt really matter, but downgrading it to a CL2 will make that more likely to happen making a Code Black almost "useless" if SCP's reach F2 or even Garage.
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