avacado teamspeak ban appeal

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Jul 18, 2022
Your teamspeak name: Avacado

Date of ban (if known):
Reason for ban (if known):
Bomb threats
Who banned you?:
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off teamspeak?:
Why should we remove your ban from teamspeak? (50 words minimal):
Because i did not make a bomb threat directly to wade. i will admit i did say i have a bomb [ which i dont ]. but besides that after the fact we got it settled i was still banned for the same reason [ did not make another threat] but from here on out i shall not make any other threats only talk to friends and randoms in TS and not talk to wade in any way.
Jan 4, 2022
Hello there,

The reason for your ban was after discussion with other member of Server Leadership and that of the nature of your message which is poking member of the community with the message such as "I have a bomb" and "I have legal access to C4" which we determine that it's inappropriate content on our network, furthermore during our session together you make a statement such as "I'm going to bomb a school now". Furthermore when I was speaking with you in TS you didn't seem to have remorse and even tried to argue for the fact that it's okay since you would not reasonably have access to these devices.

Kind Regard,
Appeal Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After gathering all relevant information, I will be denying this seeing as you were confronted and showed no remorse for making bomb threats. It does not matter whether or not you have access to these items. You did not show regard for common sense and community safety.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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