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Adrian Shephard

Active member
Sep 14, 2022
Well guys, it’s been a fun time with y’all, and I wanted to make a server life story like Stee Van did, and so, here it is.

I heard about the server from my friends Roman (in game he was known as Kai Winters) and someone named Kismet, who is known for starting the whole “arms dealer chefs” business. I started playing on the server shortly after US dropped, and almost immediately after becoming cadet, an E-11 lies to A-1 and says that I told him about A-1, I get kidnapped and dragged to the green room, and executed without a second thought or any information given. After that, I got on civ with my friends, rdmed each other, and then I raided the foundation and got 7 d-class out as gun dealer by giving all the d-class guns. After this we raided again and all died to 096.

The day after, I got my first ban after infiltrating the foundation and murdering the site director with a Glock P80. Funnily enough, I was banned for killing my friends rather than the site director, without a chance to explain. After my ban was over, I was tempted for a redemption arc, and staff pulled me into a sit and told me to change my name from “Table Broken” as I used that on a previous server, and so I did change it to “Adrian Shephard”. After that nothing really interesting happened. Tried joining E-11, regiment full, so I joined Nu-7, and I fucked up big time by printing SCP-3002 documents as researcher and posting them all over the facility, got interrogated by A-1 by it, and that’s why the “Nu-7 SPC Adrian Shephard Interro” doc exists on the terminals.

After this I get selected to join A-1 as two of my friends who were in there recommended me to join, and it took a week to get promoted to SPC because O5-5 decided to make a “no fun allowed” policy for A-1 a day after my recruitment. Right after I become SPC, I get removed because I said “A-1” near an Nu-7 PVT by accident and nearly blacklisted. After this, a CSG in A-1 named TK wanted to get me back in as it was an error and I could improve, and long story short I get recruited again but booted for “not enough slots” and not 6 hours later a new guy gets recruited, and soon after I get blacklisted as my friend leaks the A-1 docs. I joined CI after this and got to the rank of Delta before removal due to LOA not being approved by a DELCOM.

After this I deal with the BL and join Nu-7 again, and on d-class, start the “Followers of the Fog” cult. We recruited 20 people and started a 3 hour riot which ended in my capture and suicide. The Fog Cult went well for a while and I got to SGT in Nu-7 until an untimely ban which was probably caused by either moles in the FOTF discord or Levin taking an invite and sending it to SL and NL and I was banned for 6 weeks for taking screenshots of terminal documents.

I rejoined Nu-7 after my ban was over and CI under a new name, “Vulpes Inculta”. I got to Beta in CI before my resignation and Nu-7 I got to CPL before removal for inactivity.

Some people saw me as a nothing more than just a minge who got to higher ranks to power abuse, while others saw me as an enjoyable person to be around.

As for the reasons why I quit, it was a combination of mental health being in the gutter, server not being fun anymore, all my friends quitting except for one, and the fact I have other things to do. I may return someday.

“While I believe a civil servant like yourself understands the importance of… discretion, my employers are not so trusting, and rather than continually subject you to the irresistible human temptation of telling all, we have decided to… convey you to somewhere you can do no possible harm, and where no harm can come to you. I’m sure there are worse alternatives.”