Ban Appeal, Not Even A Warning.

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Active member
Aug 2, 2022
Your in-game name: Kruger

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90551083

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: 08/08/2022

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM CLASS A

Who banned you: I don't know the froze me faced me away and I couldn't see their name.

Ban length?: 2 weeks

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't mass RDM people in line and be careful with my actions.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? No warning, only in character warning while rping.

Why should you be unbanned: It was my first time RDMing and It just happened to be a MRDM, it was early in the morning just after the wipe that happens daily, I got on and was getting yelled at by some dude and someone told me to kill people, so yeah I killed them and after I did we did laugh about it and said I was sorry but you guys were being loud. You know toxic dclass stuff, I never knew that dclass can even get banned for rdm or mrdm as it happens so often that I've never seen someone get banned or worried about it, I feel bad about it and I won't be doing it again but I really had no clue as it happens so much.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I have no reason to break any more rules, as this case, I didn't know dclass could get banned for rdm as that's what I see all the time, they kill everyone even their own. I know it's a poor excuse and I don't know who else has said the same thing as me but I really mean it I would never do it again. I am sorry I have no reason to break any rules as it was a mistake on my part.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:[/b] I have been enjoying my time playing the game in my free time and being able to meet new people and talk to people, learn about the servers lore and just, in general, being able to spend my time playing a game and server I really have come to love as everyone I have met have been really nice and I have gotten along with everyone I have talked to. I would do anything to be able to join back. I am sorry for my mistake.
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Active member
Aug 2, 2022
It's been a week and 2 days, without a single response or word. I love the server but how is this even possible? I am tired of waiting, I want to know if it's denied or not. Yes, I fucked up, yes what I did was wrong. I could play the UK server but I rather play in the US with people I know, this limbo is driving me insane I just want some kind of answer.
It's been a week and 2 days, without a single response or word. I love the server but how is this even possible? I am tired of waiting, I want to know if it's denied or not. Yes, I fucked up, yes what I did was wrong. I could play the UK server but I rather play in the US with people I know, this limbo is driving me insane I just want some kind of answer.
Hello Umbratis,

I do apologize for the time you have had to wait.

I will get in contact with some US SL to see who has banned you through your STEAMID that you have posted, unfortunately I cannot do this myself due to personal matter that I shall not get into. I hope this helps, and again I apologize for the inconvenience


Active member
Aug 2, 2022
Hello Umbratis,

I do apologize for the time you have had to wait.

I will get in contact with some US SL to see who has banned you through your STEAMID that you have posted, unfortunately I cannot do this myself due to personal matter that I shall not get into. I hope this helps, and again I apologize for the inconvenience
Thank you, it means a lot to hear something after a week.


Active member
Apr 17, 2022
Hello Umbratis and sorry for the late response.

I do recall having a talk with you about why it was considered MRDM I explained to you that you cannot Kill D class without a valid reason or it is considered RDM. If I am remembering correctly there was several sits made about you one of them having a clip you killing everyone in the medical line and then killing a few after the fact also considering you didn't show any intention of stopping when you were killing said D class and based on the amount of d class you had killed I ruled it as a MRDM.


Active member
Aug 2, 2022
Hello Umbratis and sorry for the late response.

I do recall having a talk with you about why it was considered MRDM I explained to you that you cannot Kill D class without a valid reason or it is considered RDM. If I am remembering correctly there was several sits made about you one of them having a clip you killing everyone in the medical line and then killing a few after the fact also considering you didn't show any intention of stopping when you were killing said D class and based on the amount of d class you had killed I ruled it as a MRDM.
I've only ever done it once, I've never had a sit on the server about it. I never killed anyone in the medical line only the researcher line, I remember there only be maybe 5 or 6 maybe less it's been over a week ago. I stopped after and said sorry and said they were mic spamming yeah I killed them as it was just in the morning but I was sorry about it after even some of them laughed and said sorry.

But yeah, I never MRDMed before that or even RDMed it was just early in the morning and got annoyed while some kid or guy told me to kill them, yeah it was dumb and I regret it. Just wish for it to be over already it had a bore without the good o'l server to hangout on.


Active member
Apr 17, 2022
Hello Umbratis
Due to the multiple clips I received you killed quite a few people not just in the medical line like I said previously it didn't seem like you planned on stopping I understand its your first ban / warn on the server however at the time it didn't seem fitting for just a warn / verbal warning at the time. However seeing as how you've already served a week or so I wouldn't be against seeing the ban lifted and or shortened you seem to be genuinely sorry. The only strange thing is that you said you were banned without warning when I have two clips speaking to that are several minutes long going over what you did and why you were receiving the punishment that you did .


Active member
Aug 2, 2022
Hello Umbratis
Due to the multiple clips I received you killed quite a few people not just in the medical line like I said previously it didn't seem like you planned on stopping I understand its your first ban / warn on the server however at the time it didn't seem fitting for just a warn / verbal warning at the time. However seeing as how you've already served a week or so I wouldn't be against seeing the ban lifted and or shortened you seem to be genuinely sorry. The only strange thing is that you said you were banned without warning when I have two clips speaking to that are several minutes long going over what you did and why you were receiving the punishment that you did .
I understand how you see it and I agree it might have looked like it, I have never seen the clip nor the others, I just remember killing and then stopping. and what I mean without a warning is more of oh you did a bad thing this is your first warning sends you back that's what I mean sorry for the confusion .
I am sorry for what I did, it came from a place of being annoyed just the wrong moment wrong time and I don't know if my mic was muted or you couldn't hear me during the sit but I was talking and never answered so idk it's confusing I just I'm sorry I wanna be able to play again sorry for all this man, it just sucks.


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Ban Denied

Hi @Umbratis ,

Thank you for making a ban appeal I am sorry it took so long to respond

Mass RDM is a bannable offense, we do not warn for Mass RDM. Please Reread the rules before joining back

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