Ban Appeal

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Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
Your in-game name: No clue
Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:605011801
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 9/02/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Ban Evasion ( originally FearRP)
Who banned you: Rushi
Ban length?: 8 weeks (now 3 weeks and 4 days)
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have learnt my lesson and have read the rules properly this time, i do not know what I was thinking when I was messing on and deciding to go on an alt account, I 100% deserve the punishment, before this i was meant to be banned for 4 days, for FearRP and I was kinda malding by the fact of that since all i did was shoot a flare at someone then they got triggered but whatever, The only thing you should take from this is that I have learnt and grown and have ultimately realised, what I did was 100% wrong and not something you should do, like I said I have went over the rules over the past month and I really think that I have learnt my lesson and 100% take the blame.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? multiple times for FearRP.
Why should you be unbanned: Like I have said, I have learnt my lesson, I know it is hard to trust my word but You are gonna have to take a chance with me, I understand I made an unban appeal before, but that was made for such absurd punishment, Again, I feel as if the original ban for FearRP was absurd as well, but I totally agree with the 8 week ban for evasion, I truly, do not know what I was thinking, I suppose, I was just annoyed by the unjustified ban originally. I for one, do not agree with unjustified bans and bans that seem to strict for such simple ways, i.e. the original ban was caused by this scenario "Shot a Flare at a MTF, the MTF I am assuming was saying to stop(I was blasting music having a jolly good time) anyway, after I did notice I was being chased, I thought, that they were messing and that,. And so I get pulled into a sit, being annoyed, I told the Admin to "Suck His Mom", to which he got offended i presume, even though, that is the most tamest, most non insulting insult, I have ever heard, but it is 2023 so, that explains it. So over this past month I have grown to accept that certain people find such simple things offensive, I have grown to learn that. This unban appeal, isnt fake promises, but ultimately what I THINK, this comes from the heart, and I am saying how it is. If or If not i get unbanned, I will be sure to take into consideration of people, and will follow the rules and will not do small fun activies, which effects no RP whatsoever, but like I said, I got to take consideration of others. AGAIN, I FULLY AGREE WITH THE 8 WEEK BAN, AS THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR, FOR WHAT I HAVE DID.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:Take into consideration that such small activities, that effect no one, will effect someone and I must not do that, even if I am having fun, in a non Ruining RP manner.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I believe the punishment Has made an effect on me and I have grown to Accept that some people do not appreciate people messing on, and I will not be messing on anymore, instead I will Roleplay to the best of my ability, Take into consideration of FearRP, and follow all RP Rules. Period.
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Well-known Member
Apr 12, 2022
yeah, I know, and like I had said in the appeal, I was annoyed, and I know being annoyed does not justified minging on a seperate account. And I have grown to accept that after the past month. And I am truly sorry for that
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Jun 6, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi, @FEFGamer

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

The reasoning for your ban appeal being denied is due to you ban evading right after having been banned, this shows that you have / had absolutely no intention of properly roleplaying on our server.

Furthermore, if you felt the ban was unnecessary then you should have created a ban appeal then and there instead of having ban evaded.

Due to the above, nothing will be done in regards to your ban appeal.

Kind Regards, Luft.​
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