Ban Appeal

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Your in-game name:


Your SteamID:


Your steam community link:

Date of ban:

I don't know the exact of my ban anymore because initially it was two weeks and suddenly became permanent.

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):

ERP with a 14 Year Old"

Who banned you:

It's not listed on the ban interface

Ban length?:

Two weeks, turned to permanent

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:

I won't mess around as much as I was when I was banned. I was bored and making stupid jokes in OOC, which won't continue to happen.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?

I probably have a few warnings because I've been playing the server for some decent time now. But other than that, no.

Why should you be unbanned:

The entire situation has rubbed me the wrong way. I never ERP'd with ANYONE. I was making jokes while playing the Researcher job joking that I'm going to research SCP-999 and discover that it has a penis. I didn't go in disgusting depth. I just said that 999 had a penis. I was told to stop, which I can admit I didn't adhere to too well. I was warned again and went on with my time. Then, I was pulled back to the sit being told I was going to be banned 'big time' because apparently the person playing 999 at the time claimed to be 14?

I completely understand what I did was wrong. I just think that the administrators in this case pulled out anything in order to serve me something more than a warning.

I should be more thoughtful of the fact that minors play this game. I'm silly for not doing so. I just feel as though what transpired is not worthy of a permanent ban and I feel like the ban reason paints a far worse picture than what really happened.

Thank you for listening.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:

I can ensure that this rule and others will not be broken again because I will be more thoughtful with my actions in a public space. I will think about the fact that minors that young could be sharing the same space as me.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:

It's probably the most polished roleplay server currently on the server list. I've accrued about 48 hours on the past few weeks and really enjoy it and it's community.


Well-known Member
May 9, 2022
Fort Irwin, California
Appeal Denied

Hi @nubpc ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After speaking with the staff members who issued your ban, it is my current belief that your ban is valid.

I understand the context, but anything regarding erotic roleplay of any sort is taken very seriously due to the fact that many of our players are well under the age of consent in most, if not all countries. This is something we expect all players to know and respect.

Should you reappeal, and be approved, when you are next allowed to do so, I strongly recommend you exercise caution and avoid any sort of conduct relating to this.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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