Ban Appeal

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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jul 25, 2022
Your in-game name: barthlemew alen

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:622556691

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: 9/30/2022

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): RDM [E]

Who banned you: Deacon [DB-SO](STEAM_0:1:97672947)

Ban length?: 3 days

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP Uk

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

what exactly happend ?: What happend was very unfair , i was playing as a officer and i was in catwalk and i saw a d-class with a document so i remembered that d-class are not allowed to have documentes so i killed him. then the admin pulled me to the room and said what you did was fail-rp class e and he was going to ban me i told him i seen many captines/officers do it then he said no thats not allowed i told him i didnt know that can you please give me a verbal i have just been unbanthen with out saying anything he ban me. I i have been playing for less than an hour for the first time that i just got unban.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: ive made sure to read all the scp-rp rulles

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: No i just join i have been playing for less than an hour

Why should you be unbanned: becouse what happend was unfair many people have dont it before and nothing happend to them

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I wont

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: Becouse scp-rp is a very fun server and i have school after tomorrow so i want to enjoy my time.
Last edited:
Jun 19, 2022
Hey whats up Bartholemew.

So first of all I banned you for RDM [E], not FailRP [E].
As explained during the sit, I received two separate sits about you RDMing people. Neither of those people had clips and of course logs don't tell the whole story, so I spectated you for a short while to see if you would RDM again. Now obviously you did RDM again otherwise we wouldn't be here. I explained all of this to you during the sit that I banned you within.

Now, what I saw while spectating you was that you walked onto catwalk and just straight up shot a guy without cause or provocation. I immediately brought you to the staff room and explained that 'hey, you've had two rdm sits called against you and I've just spectated you while you RDM'd another' as well as explained to you that due to your previous warnings; you would be receiving a RDM [E] ban.

During the time that I was in !menu sorting out the ban I was unable to talk (due to the menu) so that's why it seemed like I wasn't responding to your pleas to just make it a verbal, which I would have denied anyway due to it being a Class E.



SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jul 25, 2022
Hey whats up Bartholemew.

So first of all I banned you for RDM [E], not FailRP [E].
As explained during the sit, I received two separate sits about you RDMing people. Neither of those people had clips and of course logs don't tell the whole story, so I spectated you for a short while to see if you would RDM again. Now obviously you did RDM again otherwise we wouldn't be here. I explained all of this to you during the sit that I banned you within.

Now, what I saw while spectating you was that you walked onto catwalk and just straight up shot a guy without cause or provocation. I immediately brought you to the staff room and explained that 'hey, you've had two rdm sits called against you and I've just spectated you while you RDM'd another' as well as explained to you that due to your previous warnings; you would be receiving a RDM [E] ban.

During the time that I was in !menu sorting out the ban I was unable to talk (due to the menu) so that's why it seemed like I wasn't responding to your pleas to just make it a verbal, which I would have denied anyway due to it being a Class E.

hello decon , first of all yeah my bad that i put fail rp i chenged it
2nd : many people have done it going to catwalk and killing for no reson it to mtf,s , offciers and cedets and when i call admins on them they say ingame isue one time an mtf was in catwalk just killing everybody i was a d-class killed me 3 times for no reson at all i called an admin he said in game isue
thats all im going to say ive wasted my time again

Have a nice day
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