ban appeal

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Well-known Member
Oct 18, 2022
Your in-game name: Toluwanami
Your SteamID: IDK
Your steam community link: IDK
Date of ban: 18/10/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP | NLR | TOXICITY
Who banned you: Hangman
Ban length?: 5 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): uk
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): IDK
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I didnt do shit anyway
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? No
Why should you be unbanned: Because i didnt do shit: I was just playing, I went to the CI base and saw a document about classified stuff so i typed out in comms "what is alpha 1" but as i clicked enter i was shot so i spawned in and clicked enter then the message sent. This guy then pulls me into a sit and just straight up says to me "yea thats NLR bye bye" i wasnt given any explanation or anything so i asked for another staff to talk to and this dude just says "bye bye" then bans me and doesnt let me speak my side or anything. I dont know how that is an instant ban because i dont have any warnings and how is it NITRP AND TOXICITY because apparently i was talking in caps.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: i didnt
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Hello @african,

You were banned for NITRP [No intent to Roleplay], NLR & Toxicity of which the reasoning behind these punishments will be explained.

To start you first joined the server as a new player at approximately 4Pm GMT Today, Our first impressions with you were you finding a supposed loophole and spamming the staff @ system with "HAHA I FOUND A WAY TO SPAM THE STAFF CHAT" to which you were kicked from the server, Once you returned you were brought into a sit by another staff member who explained to you that if you carried on with behaviour like this you may be punished in the future explaining that this behaviour is not tolerated.

About 30 minutes on from this first event you were being spectated by a staff member by the name of "Ivik" where you were then brought to another sit for RDM Which was not punished further as it was not confirmed whether you had really taken a D Class Assassination quest throughout D Block.

After this I began to spectate you myself where I found you were attempting to get put back on the surface as a foundation chef as you had "Glitched back into the facility through vents" Due to no clip and or evidence being available for this you were not returned to surface and were left to go about your day where an NU7 Found you, arrested you and took you to surface under the impression you were a surface chef. You then found your own way to the CI Base to which you entered and proceeded to enter their bunks. You were then seen to be reading documents about Alpha-1, Omega-1 And varied classified information about the facility.
After the CI had killed you, you then respawned in the D Block kitchen as chefs do, you then put into CL1 Comms "What is Alpha-1" blatantly breaking NLR as you had died since. To argue this you claimed that it had already been typed out and not sent through comms however this is irrelevant as you had died and therefore even if it was typed out you must not send that message.
I then brought you to a sit and explained this to which you claimed you were allowed to type it still and there was no issue with this ending the conversation with exclaiming I was 'Crying' about these issues.

I stated to you that as you have had plenty of run ins and verbal warnings with staff over the past 2 or so Hours you would be banned for NITRP as you were generally messing about and showed no clear intent to carry out the basic duties of your job within the facility and overall decreasing good RP for the other players on the server by causing false info breaches and claiming in OOC they were valid exclaiming I was lying in OOC.

This then resulted in your 5 Day ban for the reasons yourself and I have stated, I hope this allows you to understand further my views on your ban and punishment given.

Have a good day.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Appeal Response

Good Evening @african

Thank you for taking the time to create a ban appeal.

As reported due to your behaviour of attempting to find loopholes and spamming the staff chat, which is considered applicable to be considered NITRP.

Furthermore the statement of you "pressing enter as you die", this would have been apparent as it would have immediately sent and not after the respawn timer, after the respawn timer, it would have left the chat open to which from what is reported is when you started your info breach, which is FailRP, as you would have logistically 0 reason as a foundation member, a organisation of secrets would hop onto comms and start shouting secretive information, it has a illogical cycle to it.

However as you died, this went from FailRP to NLR, furthermore as stated, you had 0 intention to carry out your duties by constantly attempting to exfil to surface zone which is apparent by your entry to the CI base.

Due to your behaviour in relation to these sits and how you conducted yourself on the server and within the ban appeal itself, your ban will not be revoked.

Please take this time to read over the rules.

Kind Regards,
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