Denied Better/expanded use of existing female models in content pack

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Make the following existing female models available for the following jobs:
  • IA Director:
    • Jericho's female suit models
    • Skin 2 (Grey/White)
    • 1715184861634.png
  • IA Agent/Operative:
    • Jericho's
    • Skin 2 (Grey/Blue)
    • Same as Ambassador already has - not ideal to be same, but no better option other than not having it at all, and it's not a big deal
    • 1715183303725.png
  • DEA Director and Managers:
    • Jericho's female suit models
    • Skin 4 (Grey/Black)
    • 1715185090709.png
  • ECC:
    • Jericho's
    • Skin 2 (Grey/White)
    • 1715184861634.png
  • ECM:
    • Already uses Jericho's - I suggest switching this one to Skin 3 (White/Black)
    • 1715184614168.png
  • GOC Ambassador and Attaché:
    • Jericho's
    • Skin 0 (Black/White)
    • 1715184726716.png
  • Medical Consultant:
    • Jericho's
    • Skin 2 (Grey/White)
    • 1715184861634.png
  • Site Advisor
    • Already using Jericho's
    • Switch to Skin 2 (Grey/White)
    • 1715184861634.png
  • Site Manager:
    • Already using Jericho's
    • Switch to Skin 4 (Grey/Black)
    • 1715185090709.png
  • Parawatch:
    • Code:
      or any other suitable HL2 female models
    • The male counterparts of these are already used for Parawatch
  • Mayor:
    • Code:
    • Breen is already used for male version, and this fits similar theme

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Various suggestions have been previously denied involving adding new female models to the server as that is apparently too much content to add to the content pack 🤨 - this differs from those in that it makes use of content that is already part of the content pack.

At least one suggestion has been denied that asked for the GOC part of this, but I'm honestly not sure that Content Team understood that the model in question is already in the content pack. The only other reason I can see for them denying that is that they'd rather keep the sexists happy and not acting out (for like a week after the change is made) rather than making a minor but very good change for anyone that wishes to present feminine.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • QoL change for any women or other feminine-presenting players on the server that play the roles listed
  • Requires no additional content - all of the content mentioned is already in the content pack
  • Only requires an SA to go through and update the models available to these roles in VJobEditor

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Sexist players complain
    • For like a week before they forget
  • Increase in sits being called and players being warned/banned for being creeps
    • Overall a good thing - creeps get banned, makes the community better
  • Content Team might prefer the creeps???

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
While it would be preferable to have more specific models for these roles, the ones I have listed fit well enough that there shouldn't be any issues. This makes the experience for anyone wishing to present feminine much better for the tradeoff of some creeps outing themselves more (good, they get banned) and about 20 minutes of configuring jobs to allow this.

All of these models are already in the content pack, so there is no issue of inflating it more. All of the models I have specified fit well enough that there should be no thematic issues (unless e.g. IA Agent/Operative is too close to Amb+ or something, but honestly that's not an issue). The only possible issue here is that some creeps on the server may cause issues, which staff will then have to deal with - limiting content to appease creeps and morons isn't a sensible thing to do, and unless CT can come up with a very good, and specific reason to deny this, we will know that this is the reason why.


  • 1715183662560.png
    600.9 KB · Views: 8


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
is that just the male body resized with a female head?

the posture just look out of place

They might look a bit off because I bone merged them to male models, I'm not sure. They're honestly not the best, but with content team adamantly refusing to add new models of they're female, they're the best we already have.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
Sep 19, 2023

Even Even throught i admit the Model for the IA Director and Operative look way to Similar seeing them Side by Side, but if this is also done with the Male Body Groups then this really shouldnt be an Issue.
+ Support

Tried to suggest this once, got entirely shut down for 0 reason.

Edit: Oh you linked mine kek. Fairly sure they didn't realize I was just asking for the ability for the model to be picked, because I know they exist in the files. Why that was so difficult to implement, idk. Unless they just don't want to deal with the creeps (unsurprising.)
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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 4, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Zen ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We believe these models which have been showed are subpar and not what we believe should be used on the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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