bill nye ban appeal (done the time want it off the record)

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Your in-game name:
Bill Nye "The Grape Guy"

Your SteamID:

Your steam community link:

Date of ban:

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):
FailRP #Erl

Who banned you:

Ban length?:
3 days

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
Won't use bleach under any circumstances (even if to take away a final 1 or 2 hp)

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
Warned, but never banned nor kicked

Why should you be unbanned:
This was a genuine mistake- let me tell you what happened. I was going to be arrested because of a comment i made to ISD, before i did so I dropped cyanide pills and 1 bleach; my aim was to kill myself in rp to avoid the jail sentence.
Because of my cooking skill being low, the pills did only 98 damage to me, leaving me with 2hp left. In order to finish myself off, i could eat essentially ANYTHING that takes away hp, be that bleach, eggs, raw meat, etc etc. Considering I had bleach in my inventory and nothing else (I had stored my food in my inventory stash prior) I decided to use both cyanide pills and bleach to kill myself. If I had used anything else: an egg, raw meat, even another cyanide pill, all this would have been avoided. I honestly thought it would be okay to use bleach if I was only at 2hp to finish myself off, considering tens of other things could have done the same.
I'll say this again: If I had used ANYTHING ELSE, even an EGG, this entire situation wouldn't have happened. I feel the ban was unfair in that a singular item, something that could have been interchanged with almost any other consumable on the server is the sole reason for my first ban.
The mod in question who banned me told me roughly about the conditions for a verbal warn: the person in question can be given a verbal if what they did was unintentional (i'm paraphrasing here). As I said before, i really thought i could use bleach to finish myself off if i was at 2hp. It was a genuine mistake I believe I should be forgiven for.
I'm repeating this so many times, using bleach to take away 2hp was the reason for my ban. If I used an egg, dough, raw meat, even oil, this entire ban could have been averted. If I cooked 5 more burgers and got level 2 cooking, this entire situation could have also been averted. If I fell off the railing and took fall damage, this entire situation could have been averted.
A tiny, split second decision was the reason for my ban, and I don't feel this is fair.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
You can't guarantee someone will never break any rules, but I'll try my best. I'm gonna throw away the bleach I have and get a good enough cooking level so that cyanide pills will kill me on the spot, no need for indulging in bleach.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I play on this server quite a lot, for the past few weeks I've been farming achievements and playing various roles to unlock the D-Class Scout, I've helped others do similar, and have generally had lots of fun here. I also recently joined both Nu-7 and CI. I feel I have a good reputation among the players here (I hope I do at least) and have had many fun times during my short stay on this server.
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Deleted member 2482

Hello @Bill Nye The Guy, thank you for taking your time to make an appeal.

There were 2 main reasons that led me to banning you for FailRP
  1. You had a relatively big amount of warnings in a pretty short amount of time not only for FailRP

  2. One of the requirements for a verbal warning is as you said that a player demonstrated that they had no intention to break the rule, or that it was totally accidental which I was unable to get from you this alongside the amount of recent warnings led me to giving you a FailRP ban
Another misconception is if you were to eat something else like raw meat there wouldn't be any problems, this is not true as far as I'm aware, and you would have received the warning if you were to eat cyanide and bleach or cyanide and raw meat

With that said I can understand your situation and feel like a 3 day ban is a bit excessive for the situation, but as of right now it's out of my hands
You had a relatively big amount of warnings in a pretty short amount of time not only for FailRP
I don't know if you'll believe me here, but those various warns i got in a 'short time' were between 3 days (July 16th to 19th) as I'd just come back from a 2 month break from the server (escape from tarkov had a bi-annual wipe so I didn't play any gmod whatsoever). Prior to this warn streak, I was still very new to the server, having played maybe a few hours as the 'junior' roles. I understand you'd have no way of knowing about that though, no questions were asked about why I was warned for those in the sit.
I don't mean to be patronising but if my earlier warns were one of the main reasons for my ban surely asking about them in the sit would be helpful to making your final verdict?

One of the requirements for a verbal warning is as you said that a player demonstrated that they had no intention to break the rule
which I was unable to get from you
I don't mean to be repeating myself, but:
I honestly thought it would be okay to use bleach if I was only at 2hp to finish myself off, considering tens of other things could have done the same.
I also said this in the sit, I unwaveringly thought I was allowed to take off my final 2hp with bleach. It was a genuine mistake- I had no intention to failRP. Once again, I would totally understand why you would ban me if I had killed myself purely with bleach, but this case is so small I feel a warn, letalone a 3 day ban is unnecessary

alongside the amount of recent warnings
Accurate to July 26th (one week ago to this day), my latest warns (After that streak of from July 16-19) were two on July 20th and July 23rd respectively, both of which were minor offences for hitbox abuse and minor glitching; both of these were given around 1 and 2AM respectively and unless I'm missing another warn from within this week these are my only recent warns. Once again, I don't mean to be rude in any way, but did these 2 minor offences done late at night really have that big of an impact on my ban? I don't remember being warned anytime this week that you could be mentioning. If I have, what were they for, when were they, and how come they had a large impact on the ban?

Overall, this whole situation feels like the equivalent of being taken to court for going 1mph over the speed limit- It's such a small thing that I really feel a warn and ensuing ban is unnecessary and totally out of proportions. Yes, a police officer could legally fine you for going over 1mph, but 90% will not, as it's understandable why someone might accidently break it. Here, I feel it's similarly understandable that I used bleach to take off 2hp, I really thought I could use it to go from 2hp to 0, it was such a small amount of hp just about anything could have finished me off.
Lets say I was completely in the wrong for drinking the bleach; I only used it to take off 2hp. I'll say it again, does removing 2hp from drinking bleach really warrant a ban?
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Deleted member 2482

Hey @Bill Nye The Guy

After rethinking about the situation and reading your replies I do agree that a ban was not necessary and that verbal warning was more then sufficient. When I was in a sit with you I had very limited experience i think i had a bit over 4 hour of server time after getting my trial mod and the only time I had warned/banned someone was when a senior mod told me to give someone a warning even after they changed their name, that along side that me asking for someone more senior to come and help me and being told to handle it myself ( not blaming anybody ), led me to giving you the ban.

That being said as you said the ban was more than valid.

Overall, this whole situation feels like the equivalent of being taken to court for going 1mph over the speed limit- It's such a small thing that I really feel a warn and ensuing ban is unnecessary and totally out of proportions.
The thing is the situation would not have changed no mater if you were to kill yourself with only bleach or something else, yes i do belive it wasnt in an atempt to break the rules but you still broke it and the severity of the situation doesn't change it's still FailRP
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