Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CN SCP:
Since sometime around May 2022
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Bill N. "The Grape Guy"
Civilian name:
Gerald G. "The Goop Guy"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):
Total Level 155
SCP Level 31

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-C BCOM (Holding)
CI-C DELCOM & Below, about a year
Nu-7 CSG & Below (Held, approx 6 months)
SCP 096
Intel Agent when it used to be a job
Internal Affairs
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All warnings are long since expired, I think I have a minor (?) infraction active which can be discussed in DMs if you'd like to know more
What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?:
Being a GM I'm up for RPing, and being a longtime player I think I know the place well enough not to mess up with the abilities available.
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?:
Roaming around the facility helping people in any way it deems morally right.
When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why?
It depends on what is happening at that exact moment; if there is an active gunfight the correct thing to do would be to help researchers to escape to a safe place (How you can do this depends on which variant of the SCP you are on). Despite being morally correct to help CI/O1 bleeding out on the floor in the middle of a gunfight, the MTF and CI knew they would risk dying when they signed up for the job, which probably isn't what the researchers signed up for. It's morally correct to help innocent people escape from a place where they could very likely die.
You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why?
No, that'd just be silly and would only blast 076 closer to the researcher who you are trying to assist. Don't repel him. If 076 is chasing you should lead him on as long as you can and escape into your pocket dimension at the last moment before he attacks you, which will buy a lot of people around you time to run away.
You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do?
When I read "SCP 22415 Cannot help D-class", I understand this as:
It really depends on where they are and what they are doing at that moment: Being a D-class means the person has obviously done something horribly wrong to end up in the place he is (most of them are death row inmates or similar), but watching someone near death and not helping isn't the morally correct thing to do.
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CN SCP:
Since sometime around May 2022
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Bill N. "The Grape Guy"
Civilian name:
Gerald G. "The Goop Guy"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):
Total Level 155
SCP Level 31

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-C BCOM (Holding)
CI-C DELCOM & Below, about a year
Nu-7 CSG & Below (Held, approx 6 months)
SCP 096
Intel Agent when it used to be a job
Internal Affairs
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All warnings are long since expired, I think I have a minor (?) infraction active which can be discussed in DMs if you'd like to know more
What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?:
Being a GM I'm up for RPing, and being a longtime player I think I know the place well enough not to mess up with the abilities available.
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?:
Roaming around the facility helping people in any way it deems morally right.
When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why?
It depends on what is happening at that exact moment; if there is an active gunfight the correct thing to do would be to help researchers to escape to a safe place (How you can do this depends on which variant of the SCP you are on). Despite being morally correct to help CI/O1 bleeding out on the floor in the middle of a gunfight, the MTF and CI knew they would risk dying when they signed up for the job, which probably isn't what the researchers signed up for. It's morally correct to help innocent people escape from a place where they could very likely die.
You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why?
No, that'd just be silly and would only blast 076 closer to the researcher who you are trying to assist. Don't repel him. If 076 is chasing you should lead him on as long as you can and escape into your pocket dimension at the last moment before he attacks you, which will buy a lot of people around you time to run away.
You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do?
When I read "SCP 22415 Cannot help D-class", I understand this as:
- Giving them access to your dimension outside of controlled environments
- Giving them equipment they shouldn't have
- Turning a blind eye to escapees
- Opening doors for them
It really depends on where they are and what they are doing at that moment: Being a D-class means the person has obviously done something horribly wrong to end up in the place he is (most of them are death row inmates or similar), but watching someone near death and not helping isn't the morally correct thing to do.
- If he's hiding defenceless & alone in a room and asking for medical help (and we can assume he is stuck inside with no way out), I'd only heal him while he's stuck inside after calling somebody to bring him back to D-block before doing so. It'd be cruel and not morally right to watch someone bleed out in a corner while calling out for help.
- If he's actively escaping (i.e. if he's running away from gensec and asking for heals), healing him would likely cause unnecessary bloodshed as he'd have a greater capability to escape and find a weapon or disguise, which would end up in the death and suffering of many more people. In that situation, I'd only heal him after calling people to capture him and ensuring he's subdued with no chance of escape, and asking for permission before doing so.
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