Biscuit - SCP-096 Application

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Feb 7, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64483763
Discord name: Biscuit#0001
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Slovenia
Time zone: GMT+1 (CET)
Character name(s): MTF O-1 CSG [REDACTED] 'Lexington' Green
Civilian name: Rodney Woods
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Omega-1

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
This is probably my first application for a role on this server, so here's hoping! I've been around on this server for awhile and I haven't spent as much time on SCP roles rather then Combative Roles such as MTF. I've finally had this chance now, to experience SCP roles on this server, and thus, after trying out all the SCPs, a bit of fun and play, I think I'd throw my hat in the ring for a 096 whitelist. I'm by no means at all the best player out there, however, I believe I'm a good candidate. I've always preferred playing SCP roles for what they are rather then just kill-farming. The few times I played SCP roles, I actually worked on escaping to surface rather then farming kills in the facility as well as participating in experiments.

What is the usual behavior of SCP-096 when pacified?:
During a pacified state, SCP-096 should have no "objective", meaning that whilst they are free to roam, it is restricted movement. For example, in their containment chamber, if we wish for hyper-realism, SCP-096 would usually waddle around at the Northern wall up and down, sitting himself on the ground every so often, and-or not move at all. The same would be said for when outside of the CC, 096 can waddle around every so often, however, they don't have any "real objective" so, no breaching down doors, just waddling around up and down corridors, sitting themselves on the ground, stuff like that.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
SCP-096 should ONLY target SCP-096-1 (the person who has seen the face of SCP-096), if the person happens to be in D-Block, then yes, SCP is allowed to go for D-Block, however, if the person is nowhere near D-Block, then SCP-096 should take due care to ignore D-Block.

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
To start off, SCP-096 requires to be contained properly by getting rid of SCP-096-1, otherwise, SCP-096 will remain enraged and there's no real end-to-meet if SCP-096-1 remains active and SCP-096 is contained. Once all instances of SCP-096-1 are contained, MTF teams should take due care to approach SCP-096 by not viewing it's face, usually can be done via the use of SCRAMBLE technology as well as general avoidance of SCP-096's face. Then, some type of face cover should be used to attempt to cover the SCP's face, in the case of this server, buckets can be used. SCP-096 should then be restrained, once they are fully restrained, they can be escorted to their CC. Also, during this process, MTF teams should make sure they get rid of any pictures of SCP-096.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
Application Approved

Hello @Biscuit,

Thanks for taking the time to make a role application.

Congratulations on your new whitelist, please make sure to follow the SCP rules at all times.​
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