Your in-game name: Divisional
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124694509
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 3/27/2024
Who blacklisted you (if known): Ellie
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I believe I've been misrepresented in a video made by a cheater where I appeared on on the video for about 30 seconds. In the said video, I had made a joke that was taken completely out of context, so I will try to explain what happened in the video. In the video i was playing on D-Class with a friend of mine when a guy named himself "Cheadle" (which is a known cheat for garrys mod) which I was joking about telling him that "he knows what to do", I did not know if he was or if he wasn't actually cheating which is why I did not think to report him. After the guy in the video gets off d-class he goes on a MRDM spree with guns that somebody was trading to him.
(you can find it here: (the link does not work as of posting this)
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: No idea but not any time after my most recent blacklist. I have not touched the server since.
List any alt accounts: I don't have any new alts since I've posted my last last blacklist amnesty that got accepted.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Yes
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I see now the seriousness of the situation and understand how crucial it is to be more aware of the situations I'm in. From now on, I will be more cautious about who I talk to and make sure to prevent anything from happening that may cause misinterpretations like what happened this time. I am extremely sorry for what I did before, and I hope that you can forgive me.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I think NL had falsely assumed that I was the person taking trades from the guy in the video or just that I was with him in general, and that was never the case. I do not know this person, and I had no knowledge of this type of activity. I believe I've been prejudged unfairly based on things I've done in the past that are unrelated to this situation. I genuinely believe that I've been blacklisted because of errors in my past, not anything that I've done here.
I realize that I've made mistakes in the past and take full responsibility for them. However, I've worked hard to improve and been granted amnesty for prior mistakes. Here, I was accused of being associated with someone with whom I have no connection. Despite not doing anything wrong, I was banned again, which I think was an unjustified judgement.
This is a clip from when i got banned:
When I asked why I was banned, the message I received from Ellie was the link to the video.
I feel my ban was unjust, and I haven't wanted to make a blacklist amnesty because I was afraid I was going to be judged on my past actions (which i was let off for and have been on my best behavior ever since). But I genuinely do hope you can understand it from my perspective. I have learned from my mistakes and just wish to be able to play on the server again. Thank you for your time and consideration.