Blacklist Amnesty - john Panwong


New Member
Jan 3, 2025
Your in-game name: john Panwong

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:806936605

Your steam community link: My community

Date of blacklist: 3/1/2025

Who blacklisted you (if known): i dont know

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I asked for help from the group. Your SCP-RP, Mr. O5-2 "The Contrevenant" [LOA], has informed me that I must be blacklisted.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: [PERSONAL INFORMATION REMOVED BY NL]

List any alt accounts: I probably don't have any.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: no

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I don't know because I got blacklisted. I don't know how. I still can't figure out the reason, but I'll take care of myself.

Why should you be unblacklisted: Because I don't want to get off the blacklist because I like roleplay and am into it. I have to get it off the blacklist or I won't be able to play scp rp again.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Hi @Tawan , you don't have to have a community to have a Steam community link. You would find that link on the Steam app by clicking on your profile name and copying the "https://steamcommunity...." link near the top of the page. Yours is

As for the "IP" that was referenced here, that's the IP address of the device you played on (PC in this case I would assume). Network Leadership ask this question in case you used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or something similar to hide your real IP which, to my knowledge, could trigger the system.

Please update the post with this information whenever you get the chance.

Take care,
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New Member
Jan 3, 2025
Hi @Tawan , you don't have to have a community to have a Steam community link. You would find that link on the Steam app by clicking on your profile name and copying the "https://steamcommunity...." link near the top of the page. Yours is

As for the "IP" that was referenced here, that's the IP address of the device you played on (PC in this case I would assume). Network Leadership ask this question in case you used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or something similar to hide your real IP which, to my knowledge, could trigger the system.

Please update the post with this information whenever you get the chance.

Take care,