Blacklist Amnesty - Kamil

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Oct 17, 2021
Your in-game name: Kamil

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214446487

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 06/27/2023

Who blacklisted you (if known): Doofy

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I was in a server where pictures of members of the community were sent without their consent and I partook in that behaviour.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: I haven't.

List any alt accounts: None

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: I have one fearRP warn from when I was brand new to the game but that is it.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have long since grown from that time, and I will report any situation where a similair situation occurs.

Why should you be unblacklisted: My first and second appeal have most of the details so I'll keep this one shorter for the sake of those reading.

Many members that were part of that exact same incident and did worse got unbanned, and I was told that I cannot be unbanned because my ban was done by "cloak" which is not true.

In my first appeal I was told that I wasn't truthful in my appeal, and I believe this is where the confusion occurred because I retold the exact scenario in detail and I found my dms with doofy to prove that (hence why I found my blacklist date). I was being honest, and it was in fact him who banned me.


I want to stress once again that I always had good intentions with the server, my nearly completely flawless track record over 2 years proves that. I'm not a serial minge, or someone who abused their power or someone who played just to get high ranks and sit on it. I was there at the server's absolute lows and while nearly every high ranking staff, including doofy himself who took head of NATO then switched sides when he got fed up even when the numbers were fine, left NATO to die. I picked up the mantle, from a COL in what was seen as a "minge" regiment, to head of NATO in about a month, with no one to guide or teach me, I stuck through wars that were 11 vs 48. When I begged staff to switch over to help I was told "yeah, we're sorting it in the staff meeting" and still no one came. I had to go to each and every regiment one by one, I was practically RMP at the same time since I had to bring that up from a 4 man regiment, and then train new COs and reg command in all FIVE regiments, while teaching the new HC I had to go and scout out and convince to join because nobody wanted the horrid job of being NATO high command. Keep in mind, despite high command not being allowed to do ANY staff work at the time, I was also spear heading events as a senior gamemaster, not as just any HC, as the GRMS.

It took getting VENTZ himself to start getting people to actually do something, to the point where we got staff apps to get old veterans back on. I was leading the events for the UN/NWO changes, all while having to sort through the new squad system (which I proposed), all while having to try and get an actual high command team, while having to deal with the insane toxicity between not only both sides but also in between regiments. I poured my heart and soul into this server, and I just want the opportunity to experience it once again. I worked with Ventz and Cloak for a while and we never had any issues, which is why I'm confused as to why Cloak would blacklist me with no explanation.

Please understand, that after all that, would I be someone who just wants to cause chaos on the server? After all the time and effort I put into it (all while being in my A-Levels by the way), I truly cannot stress enough how this was just a one off mistake I made, that I will NEVER repeat again. If you have ANY doubts about the integrity of my character, just ask anyone that played back then, I believe michiel is still in the staff team and we worked closely together for a long time, just ask him.

I have screenshot to prove my doofy story. To anyone looking into this application just shoot me a dm on discord and I can send the screenshots and talk things through if need be (kamayo_).

You unbanned others involved in that same server, and did worse than me and have track records worse than me, so please give me one last chance.
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