Blacklist Amnesty - michael Peter (i think)

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Well-known Member
Aug 25, 2023
Your in-game name: michael Peter (i think)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:672231146

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: Im not sure doesnt give me screen to check

Who blacklisted you (if known): Not sure sorry

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I walked upto someone i think it was Stiles? been 5 months im sorry forgot and told him his IP was leaked i made a few attemps beforehand to admins telling them about it but nothing was done. I was promptly blacklisted for "ip leaking" thinking back to it it was a stupid way of going about it but i was thinking i wanted to make sure it was Sorted and no one was DDOSed it was [snip] about 5 months ago? i also reported a couple CL4 document leaks so could have contributed to the Blacklist

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: None to my knowledge

List any alt accounts: None that i know about.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Yes i used to be a minge, i was not very good at rp and misbehaved.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Well i have matured since then and actually learned RP Properly from other servers, as corny as this sounds ive made a list from RP Servers on different scenarios.

Why should you be unblacklisted: Alright well First im asking for a second chance, i will fully admit i was a handful before but i have changed for the better getting experience in semi serious and serious Roleplay servers and Games, I was friends with some people that i dont speak or play with anymore who leaked CL4 Documents and i reported it a few times to staff, I was given a link to [snip] and immediately reported it a couple times since it was leaking staff IPs and things like that, no one took notice so i walked upto my friend who was on that list and told him someone had leaked his IP then i was blacklisted, in Hind sight i should have made a discord ticket about it.
Truly i Apologise for how i was when i played the server and im requesting another chance i love this server and want to play it again, i will adhere to all the situations and not argue.
Thanks for reading.
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

After reviewing the previous incident, you were not friends with the user you claimed to be reporting this to, and on top of this, you actions were of a frivolous nature rather than genuine concern whereby goading and probing about their details in a manner that would be unbeffiting of genuine concern, this is akin to doxxing

As per our amnesty guidelines

Blacklist amnesties are a method for players to have their blacklist lifted. You are not eligible to make an amnesty request if you were blacklisted for;
a) causing serious damage to CG, e.g. serious exploits,
b) compromising personal information,
c) chargebacking.

As a result, your amnesty will be denied.

Kind Regards
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