Your in-game name: Mike / Brum
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80637695
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: Unsure, however it was in the summer of 2023.
Who blacklisted you (if known): NL
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I was blacklisted for 'Misuse of TS permissions' if I recall correctly, this was due to me messing with roles and channels on TS whilst I had the Overseer tag after my resignation.
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: Never, if I have joined a server it was without the use of a VPN etc.
List any alt accounts: JapaneseBeggar - unable to find the steamID but I am sure you have it already somewhere.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Never banned or kicked, I have had a couple of minor warnings across the MRP and SCP servers when I was new.
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I truly understand my actions leading to my blacklist were harmful to the community and do regret what I did as there was no motivation or anything behind it and still do not know why I decided to do what I did. I can assure you all the if I were to have my blacklist revoked I would not do anything so stupid again that will represent me as malicious or harmful to others.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I decided to post this appeal earlier then I originally anticipated, however I thought I would give it a go.
I believe I should be unblacklisted because I think I was a good asset to the community and it shows me being held in high regard as I assumed leadership positions on both servers and even staff on both. I was only in the community for a matter of months until I was blacklisted, but they were very good months as I made lots of friends here who I wish to reconnect with and some good memories from the positions I was in, whether that was Site Command of SCP or High Command on MRP, I always gave it my all and my intentions were always for the benefit of the servers. I wish to rejoin the community mostly as I always showed a passion for whatever position I was in and always had a lot to show for therefore I wish to be the asset to the community that I once was and wish to reconnect and make amends with all those I wronged. The driving force for this was not only me wanting to reconnect with others but also people still messaging me from the server which shows to me that I did have a good impression on most of the people I interacted with and wish to once again dedicate my time into making others experiences as good as mine were.
I also understand that I was banned recently on an alt, however that initially begun from me playing games on my other steam account and thinking it was my main to check if I was still banned. I would also like to add that I made no attempt into concealing my identify and was truthful with those who questioned me, whether that was regular players or when SSL and NL discovered and went to ban that account. Even on that account my intentions were nothing but positive to the community as I held a high position on SCP and also staff on it simultaneously. I do understand that I probably shouldn't have playing on an alt but doing so relighted my passion for the community that I once had and sparked me to appeal my blacklist after a period of time.
This is a reupload of my most recent blacklist appeal as I believe it truly shows my sincerity and wish to rejoin the network to be an outstanding member of the community once again.
To conclude, I apologise for my actions and would be utmost grateful if I would be allowed back into the community.