Your in-game name: satoshi ken'ichi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:919877124
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 20/1/2025 17:00
Who blacklisted you (if known): anticheat
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I got blacklisted by anti-cheat while bhoping on the railing at the D-class spawn, after the third or fourth jump I got frozen in the air, got god mode, and then saw my username next to an anti-cheat ban in chat before getting blacklisted shortly after. I recently (literally today) got this game from my friend so we could play on this server. I don't know what caused this ban on the server because I didn't cheat, I believe its a anti-cheat bug or false positive. Unfortunately, when I tried to clip this, my clip was literally corrupted. I don't have any video proof only thing I have is for my friend who bought me the game which he could vouch for me. I hope you guys can look into this because I really enjoy this server and had a blast on it.Note: (I know I have a game ban on my profile, but that was from a game I was banned for toxicity and not a cheat-related ban.)
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: not on gmod
List any alt accounts: none
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: nope
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer bhop around, sorry.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I believe I got falsely detected by the Anticheat, I wasn't using any cheats literally only bhoping. I really enjoy this server and I'm super sorry I will try to stop bhoping since I didn't know it can cause false detections like these.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:919877124
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 20/1/2025 17:00
Who blacklisted you (if known): anticheat
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I got blacklisted by anti-cheat while bhoping on the railing at the D-class spawn, after the third or fourth jump I got frozen in the air, got god mode, and then saw my username next to an anti-cheat ban in chat before getting blacklisted shortly after. I recently (literally today) got this game from my friend so we could play on this server. I don't know what caused this ban on the server because I didn't cheat, I believe its a anti-cheat bug or false positive. Unfortunately, when I tried to clip this, my clip was literally corrupted. I don't have any video proof only thing I have is for my friend who bought me the game which he could vouch for me. I hope you guys can look into this because I really enjoy this server and had a blast on it.Note: (I know I have a game ban on my profile, but that was from a game I was banned for toxicity and not a cheat-related ban.)
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: not on gmod
List any alt accounts: none
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: nope
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer bhop around, sorry.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I believe I got falsely detected by the Anticheat, I wasn't using any cheats literally only bhoping. I really enjoy this server and I'm super sorry I will try to stop bhoping since I didn't know it can cause false detections like these.
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