Your in-game name: saturn 'yoyo'
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:517798568
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: 9/4/24
Who blacklisted you (if known): Cloak anti-cheat
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I was blacklisted for cheating on the SCP-RP CN server.
List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: I used vpns a few times just on my pc not any specific times spark me.
List any alt accounts:
And as you mentioned there may be others that I have lost access to, I would list them but these are the only ones I know of, I did as you mention went on a spree at some point on mainly cs:go and rust, which I conclude to be in my past.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: I was warned a few times, the only ban I recieved was appealed.
What will you do to stop this from happening again: The thing that will mainly stop this from happening again is me. I know that may bring up some concerns because the reason I was blacklisted was, well me. But I can try my best here to assure you that it will never happen again. As per my last few amnesty appeals, I have long since unistalled any type of cheating software that would be on my computer, and I have tried bettering myself. I know bettering myself may not be a good reason that I won't do it again, but utilizing my time and learning skills to help a community instead is a way which shows the fact that I am trying and am changing for the better.
Why should you be unblacklisted: I know my past amnesty appeals have been denied for 2 reasons; 1, the recency of the event that caused the ban, and 2, ban evading. Let me start by explaining the event. I used cheats as a d-class to see through the walls (extrasensory pereption, or ESP). I know this will not explain nor clear me on the fact that I used cheats, but I played d-class, and did not kill a single person, or better yet I did not damage any other person. I know using cheats of any kind is a major offense, no matter how you use them. Cheating is unnaceptable, and damages the server. So I would like to finish off this part by saying: I will never cheat again. I am so sorry to everyone I caused harm to, and I have learned from my ways and have stopped cheating in any form and every game. I know cheating ruins my integrity and I am hoping to earn that back any way possible. Now to address the ban evading. I addressed it in my most recent amnesty appeal and Yekes DM's. I was desperate to rejoin the server, spending money to buy gmod on a new account, using vpns, and more. I was just so eager to try and rejoin even though what I did is wrong. I take full acountability for my actions and hope we can move forward from this point. For any inquirys please reach out to me via dms broken_.ark.