Blitzs Security Captain Application. [US]

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Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
7 months with a recent 2-3 month break recently
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Eli "Blitz" [F]
Blitz "Volcan" Weaver [CI]
Civilian name:
Solace "Person" Vega
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 SPC [Held]
DEA Operative [Holding]
IA [Holding]
CI-B [Holding]
096 [Holding]
E-11 PVT [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

PAC3 Abuse (For making funny proportions with my character)
RDM (For killing a dclass after he RDMd me)
NLR (Same as RDM)
Mic spam (For playing music and singing in Dblock)
Another RDM which I did not know I had and I forgot why due to it being long ago
(All of these are from months ago and I have no active warns and I plan to keep it that way)

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

For one, I believe I am suitable for the role of GENSEC Captain even though I do not have CL4 experience or much experience leading large groups, I have lead small groups of DEA on the surface as NU-7 which gives me some experience, and ive seen departmental leaders leading their department which gives me some knowledge of leadership and I have been told multiple times that I was a good leader. I also have experience as GENSEC even though I have taken a break from it I have spent time learning and playing it in the past and currently, which gives me knowledge about GENSEC duties along with Captain duties from my interactions with them. Second, I am very interested and invested in GENSEC and I often have a good time on it, however I wish to make it better due to GENSEC having severe issues in multiple ways and I wish to help end that.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

As someone who is very active on this server, often playing 6+ hours daily and with my many times in MTF regiments, I have gathered much experience on the server on GENSEC and many other roles. I have worked with Captains before which gives me some insight into their job and duties. I have experience working around dblock and dclass along with working very commonly around the site as I have much information and experience with the map, SCPs, and scenarios. As a sergeant, I have also instructed and helped newer GENSEC and I am very commonly on comms whether it be reminding GENSEC to be in dblock and on the radio frequency or giving callouts on breaches or riots. I've interacted with much of the server and most of the interactions have been positive however the ones that have been negative I try to not let it happen again and I usually attempt to get back on good relations with said person, I'm pretty friendly often helping foundation or having friendly conversations with them.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

Security Captains have many responsibilities very many of them crucial to dblock and the site as a whole. One of their primary duties is running dblock and watching over/leading the GSD, making sure they are doing their job and keeping dblock safe, whether it be instructing cadets and officers on where to go or making sure the GSD are being ethical with dclass and not breaking any rules on the COE, COC, or the GENSEC handbook and punishing those who do not follow those three.
Security Captains also work closely with other departments, namely the Medical Department, Research Department and Internal Affairs who all operate commonly in or around dblock, they must be ready and willing to assist these departments and make sure that dblock is running smoothly.
Security Captains, along with all of GSD are put in charge of maintaining dclass and dblock as a whole, making sure no riots break out and if any do they are dealt with quickly. If they are not, Captains can authorize sweeps of dblock, clearing it of weapons and keycards and leading and instructing all GENSEC on the sweep along with sergeants if they wish.

Security Captains will also frequently host trainings for GENSEC and often times they will be RRT training or heavy weapons training, providing the RRT license and HWL license respectively
Security Captains overall must possess leadership skills, knowledge of the foundation, professionalism and a will to protect dblock and the foundation as a whole.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Eli, before joining the foundation was a DOI security officer, gaining much experience throughout the years he worked as one. He was looked up to as a security officer and often mentored newer guards and was often complimented by his superiors. Soon enough, Site-56 began looking into recruiting him as a security officer and they would research all about him making sure he was fit to join the foundation. After a few months of extensive research, they decided to recruit Eli as a security officer for Site-56.

One day, on his lunch break, Eli got a mysterious email from a company titled "The SCP Foundation" which informed him of who they were and what they worked for, also inviting him to undergo training to join them. Eli was skeptical at first however after some convincing, the Foundation managed to get him to undergo training to join the General Security Department and he traveled to Site-56 to undergo training.

During training, Eli excelled getting top scores on drills, tests, and combat training, he was commended by his superiors for his determination, skills, and knowledge and soon enough, he was promoted to security cadet.

As a cadet, Eli did very well, often correcting mistakes from other cadets and sometimes officers and being able to do his job very well with professionalism and will to protect the foundation and his co-workers. It was only a matter of time until Eli began climbing the ranks of GSD, first becoming and officer, then an RRT officer, then a sergeant, and lastly an RRT sergeant. As a RRT Sergeant, Eli would often assist and educate newer members of GSD so that they could do their job well and protect the foundation.
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Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
+/- Neutral

You are someone who I have seen active more recently although I feel you still have some room to progress. I have not had many interactions although your application seems to show you know part of the duties. I feel that there is always room for growth, and would love to see more growth out of you and particularly just interact with you before stepping up to Cl4+
That may be due to the break, or the jobs we do, I was very active a few months ago and I am now
Mar 30, 2023
+ Support

The amount of people in gensec i have good interactions with, i can count on the fingers in two hands, captains included. For the ones I like one hand is enough. There are severe issues with gensec behavior. You are one of the ones on one hand too. You know the duties well, seeing as better regarded applications resulted in not so great captains. One of the extremely few people i have had pleasant interactions with while they were playing gensec. I feel you can be an active captain that makes for a better gensec while you are on site. I genuinely believe this. Captain is an entry level CL4 position. I see no issues with your experience, both in gensec and in general.
Good luck!

Kind regards. - Sprucer
That may be due to the break, or the jobs we do, I was very active a few months ago and I am now
(Reposted because I have interacted more)

+ Support

Blitz is a very active RRT SGT who shows maturity, and leadership. I can tell he has great potential in this department, and could see him going very far as a captain of GSD. I wish the best of luck on this app keep up the good work!

EDIT : He was very active although I have not seen him in the past week or so, I do not really know what happened but....

Edit 2 : Blitz has lost activity within GSD, and I think he has found other passion.
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Well-known Member
Jul 28, 2022
(Reposted because I have interacted more)

+/- Neutral

Blitz is a very active RRT SGT who shows maturity, and leadership. I can tell he has great potential in this department, and could see him going very far as a captain of GSD. I wish the best of luck on this app keep up the good work!

EDIT : He was very active although I have not seen him in the past week or so, I do not really know what happened but....
-not seen by me personally
-heard good things about you
-Good app
Ive just been very busy and tired this week, ill try to be more active.
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