PAC Request Busta Crimes's Pac Approval Request

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.

Chad Thundercock

New Member
Mar 16, 2023
Requesting Access to /C: Users Busta Crimes

Enter Password:

Access Granted!

Hello! ████████████ What would you like to go over O5-?

O5-█ : User history

Okay here are your choices!

|Personnel Information - Rank and clearance - Tests - Warns and Citations|

O5-█ : Tests

Okay! Which Test would you like to go view?

O5-█ : "Velocity Venom"

Got it, file coming through.

Busta Crimes had been working on an experimental chemical serum for months, hoping to find a way to enhance human strength and speed to unprecedented levels. One day, after a particularly grueling week in the lab, Busta decided to take the formula himself to test its effects.

Almost immediately, Busta felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. His muscles swelled to massive proportions, and he found himself able to lift weights and run at speeds that were previously unimaginable. But something was off - his physique continued to grow larger and larger, beyond what he had ever intended.

Panicking, Busta tried to find an antidote to reverse the effects of the formula. But every attempt was futile, and his condition only continued to worsen. He began to experience severe health problems, including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and breathing difficulties.

Realizing the danger he had put himself in, Busta sought out medical help. Doctors were baffled by his condition, unable to provide a cure for his uncontrollable growth and physical deterioration. Soon, word of Busta's became a public spectacle, a living embodiment of the dangers of unchecked scientific experimentation.

In the ending Busta, would calm his nerves and finally his body would resuscitate after his heart rate ceased multiple occasions. The test and the serum would be redacted and never to be tested again due to its ethics issue and Busta would remain as an example of true strength, and dedication to the life of a researcher as this experiment only meant there was more to discover in the world.

Anything else O5-█?

O5-█: Nope, got all I need

(End Transcript)

The Pac Request: I am just a muscular version of a researcher, I'm planning to add more but Ill make another if so.

Please let me know of any issues and Ill be gladly to fix it!



  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: 'Jerome'


Well-known Member
Apr 6, 2022
Major +Support
- Good Lore
- Great RP Value
- Unique PAC
- Realistic

Dpw483 Ryan "Cincinnatus"

Well-known Member
Sep 23, 2022
Pac Denied

Hello @Chad Thundercock ,

Your PAC has been denied for the following;

Muscles as they are disproportionate with the rest of your body

by Ryan, Bobby, Saint, and Rushi.

Please note any edits to this thread that modify what has been requested may change this denial.

Kind Regards,

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