bye bye connectie wectie

Aug 13, 2023
15/7/2023 . Funny enough that would be in 5 days. That was the date i chose to join an MTF and try some things out, pretty much the goofiest experience since it was Nu-7. And I've met a beautiful arrange of people during that time up to the point where I joined Alpha-1. But I finally bit the dust so it is time for me to be gone for quite some time untill i feel comfortable enough to talk to as many people as I can without being judged.

I cant be arsed looking for all the @ of people. So here

- "Revolutionary". You taught me alot of things, and you forged me into the Major of Alpha-1 and made me believe i could've reached LTCOM. Thank you, but your neckbeard still annoys me
- "Pyrite". You were the first ECM that I interacted with after they got into A-1 and made me realize CL5 people are really just regular people that you can have fun with.
- Tom Bald AKA"Corbin".My face when i found out you were the motherfucker i messed around with in Nu-7. Love you man, GO BECOME COM OF O-1
" Mark "Billy" Bob. Few people remember you but you were the best person I met. Both of us held Nu-7 while it was dying, and i fulfilled my promise to you that I'd reach Major. Miss you.
- "Grong". You got me into Alpha-1 and gave me several exceptions i needed during that time.
- "Hitman". You arranged a tryout for Alpha-1 to me.
- "Wrath". You were one of my mentors during my time in Alpha-1 and helped me understand certain things that are needed to progress through A-1.
- "Bolt&Snake". Theres a major slot open for ya'll go get it nerds
- "Appo". You're a funny guy, and you are also one of the calmest and chillest person i've met (unless you get killed by CI)
- "Kaz". We interacted in a medium amount of time you were in A-1 and i wish we had talked more before you left. (he's an ok person ig)
- "Dennid" I fucking love you man, literally one of the greatest people i've met. Do what you gotta do and make more people smile and have fun
- "Archangel/Knight". Alot of people judge you for your past. Ignore them and be nice to everyone, this is just a game so have fun while playing it !
- "Cece". One of the first people i interacted with outside of Nu-7 when i came to. We could have conversations for ages when i was a nu7 and you were a consultant GOGO CEEEEECEEEE!
- Bob "Skywing". You're a goddamn questionable guy but you taught me never to be questionable like you in Nu-7
- Jason "Mcnugget" You somewhat "Tried" showing me the ropes in Nu-7 and gave my advise when i was looking for it
- Francois "Napoleon" If only you were more active in Nu-7 we would able to interact more but we did quite a bit and you were a great COM of Nu-7
- Monke Nelson. Everytime we interact you remind me of how careless we both were in Nu-7. Keep doing what you're doing and don't get into trouble.

Honestly cope if I forgot you, im not spending more than 10 minutes writing this :alien:

Anyways i'll be disconnected for now. Bye!!!
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