Cain Morris's Ethics Committee Assistant, 2nd Application, UK

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Aug 27, 2023

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP?:

I have played ever since July 2023 but in total time I have played one month.



In what country are you located?:

Ireland ??

Time zone:


Character name(s):

Cain "Irishmann" Morris

Civilian name:

Cian Morris

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

I am applying for SCP-RP UK.

Do you have a mic?:

Yes I do have a mic.


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I held E-11 LCPL twice and was blacklisted twice, I held CI-A but was removed for being underaged.


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2024-02-17 (1).png


What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I believe what makes me the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant is I have experience on Internal Affairs Agent and have done many arrests and investigations into people reported to be breaking the Foundation Legal Codex and have made many arrests from these, I can also follow the Foundation Legal Codex, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct very well, I am also very active, for example, the day I post this I have spent over 13 hours on the server, I am also very good at interrogating people, this can be used when someone is reported severally breaking the Foundation Legal Codex and need to be interrogated, and finally of which makes me the best candidate for the Ethics Committee Assistant role is I am very good at writing documents from when I was in Internal Affairs and I had to write arrest reports.​


What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

- Ensure everyone in the foundation follows the Foundation Legal Codex.​

- Follow order from Ethics Committee Members or the Ethics Committee Chairman.​

- Get chemicals and samples to benefit the Ethics Committee.​

- Investigate any department that has been reported breaking the Foundation Legal Codex.​

- Do tests on SCPS with the help of O-1.​

- Help Site Administration with monthly reviews of departments.​

- Host tribunals against Clearance Level 3 personnel.​

- Uphold the CoE and CoC and all foundation personnel follow these.​

-Approve documents that need to be authorised by Ethics Committee Assistants such as tests.​

-Authorise Advanced Armoury for E-11 during a breach in which it is required and told to by Ethics Committee Member+.​


Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

1st part: "Early Childhood"

Cain Morris was born on 19/11/◼️, Cain was born into a rich family in Canada, He had it all, at the age of 10 Cain was on his dad's private jet with his mom and dad when someone who was hiding on the plane came out and highjacked the plane, Cain's parents told him how to use a parachute then the highjacker saw they were trying to parachute off so he got his gun, aimed back and shot Cain's mom and dad, Cain from shock fell out of the plane but then realized what was happening he pulled his parachute over a small town named "Pinewood" and landed in the middle of the town in front of of two Canadian Military soldiers, the soldiers called out "WHO IS UNDER THAT PARACHUTE!?", the only thing they could hear was crying from under the parachute, the two soldiers looked at each other in confusion, one of the soldiers walked over to the parachute and pulled it up, they saw Cain laying on the ground crying and they yet again looked at each other and one of then sighed and went over to cain.​

-??? "Hey kid wha- *plane crashes and explodes in the background.*​

-??? "Were you in that plane?​

*Cain nods*​

-??? "were you flying it?"​

-Cain "No, it was me my mom and my dad then some guy came out of no where and shot the pilot and took over the plane and when me and my parents tried to jump out he saw them and shot my parents so I jumped out and landed here."​

-??? "Alright kid what's your name?"​

-Cain "My name's Cain."​

-John "Well, Cain, my name is John, I work for the Canadian Military come with me."​

*Cain stands up and starts walking with the two men and notices it says DEA on the back of their uniforms.*​

-Cain "Hey, what's DEA?​

-John "It doesn't matter."​

*They start getting shot at.*​



*Over comms* -??? "Sending NU-7 units to assist now.​

-John "THERE'S TO MAN-"​

*Over comms* John? Alex? You there?​

-??? "Their Dead, is that the kid he was talking about, hey kid come out it's safe."​

-Cain "Who are you?"​

-??? "I was friends with them, c'mon I have to bring you back to base."​

2nd part: "Teen Years"

Cain had trained in the foundation for years, becoming very skilled in guns, He was in GENSEC for a while before realizing he was becoming the one thing he hated, people who had to murder others, so he went to Internal Affairs to stop people like that. One day on a under cover mission he saw the same guy who highjacked the plane he was on, nothing but hate entered Cain, he wanted to just pull out his pistol and blow off his face, but instead he walked up behind him and knocked him unconscious and dragged him to interrogation,​

-Cain "Wakey wakey fuck head."​

-??? "Where am I? Who are you?​

-Cain "You really don't remember me, huh, let me put it this way, you killed both my parents and crashed their private jet."​

-??? "Oh I remember you now, you the Morris's little brat, I'm surprised you lived"​

-Cain "Yea yea yea, I honestly do not care for what you say, BUT, I told Ethics that you were working for CI and now they are on their way here to hopefully murder you."​

-??? "YOU WHAT!?"​

-Cain " yup the should be here any second."​

*Cain gags the man and an Ethics Assistant walks in with some MTF O-1.*​

-Cain " Hello Assistant, this is him."​

-Assistant "Wonderful, this won't be long, want to stay for it?"​

-Cain "Oh Yes I do"​

-Assistant "Alright then, *coughs* O-1 *the assistant snaps his fingers"​

*O-1 shoots the man several times"​

-Assistant "Thank you sir for reporting him"​

-Cain "It is my pleasure sir"​

*Cain grins as the assistant walks away with the O-1*​

3rd part: "20's"

Cain has finally gotten his revenge, he is now the Department Director of Internal Affairs, but he is starting to get bored of this position and is starting to look towards the Ethics Committee and he has made good friends with the man who ordered the O-1 to kill the man who murdered his parents and they got quite close and the Ethics Committee were familiar with his name as he was very good at his job of Department Director of Internal Affairs and very loyal to the foundation and eventually the man Cain was friends with in the Ethics Committee eventually convinced him to try and join the Ethics Committee so Cain put in his application he had to fill out and now he awaits his

New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Morris,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied . You may seek elaboration by reaching out to an Ethic Committee Member. We feel that there are certain aspects missing from your application or curriculum vitae that would bolster a better standing and result in this request. The Committee does not want any upset or offence from this result, you may re-apply in no less than two weeks time.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
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