Denied certified "I ded" 008 suggestion thread

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Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
A) Give Containment specs innate biohazard resistance as they are in a full suit and are meant to deal with 008 stuff (while we're at it up the cap to 5 because HCZ big now)
B) Make SCP-008 degrade when picked up/taken out of its CC so CI cant sit on it and then use it hours later
C) Cap the number of SCP-008 respawn nodes so they don't eat up the entire respawn menu
D) ERT foam guns
E) Foam guns spawn completely filled instead of 150/500 (CS just put foam outside their spawn to refill on spawn anyways, this removes a step of holding E for 30 seconds every time you respawn)
F) Foam guns do more damage, and slow 008 more. As it stands, not effective as crowd-control at all since it does so little damage.
G) Since D-Block will be a major target for 008 infections, make the doors breakable by them or remove the ability for respawn nodes to appear there (to prevent newly respawned SCP-008 from getting stuck in D-Block)
H) Hazmat suit buffs: Let hazmat suits keep armor/decrease or negate damage from 008. As it stands, it removes your armor and you die in 2-3 hits. This gives you protection from at most one SCP-008 hit before you getting downed/die. But hey, not infected right?
I) Decrease hazmat suit cooldown to 5 minutes, since getting spawncamped by SCP-008 is common
J) Prevent SCP-008 respawn nodes from appearing inside of respawn areas such as medbay, security sector, and research hall to prevent spawncamping

hot take:
make scp-008 not respawn, but people get infected by being near the nodes and turn gradually instead of an unending wave of -2 instances

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
SCP-008 easier to handle
SCP-008 more fun to fight

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
idk you have to code

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because SCP-008 sucks and is common to breach now (at least once a day at this rate)
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A. +Support if the suit wears off after some time
B. I think this already exists: "Made contaminates have a expire time (15 mins) (Except in the 008 chamber)" in change logs. I'm guessing this includes 008 outside of 008 chamber.
C. +Support but definitely not less than 5, as some respawn spores are put in very bad places
D. Already accepted
E. +Support
F. -Support not really supposed to be the point of foam guns, they are supposed to be just for removing spores
G. +Support on the breaking doors part, -Support on the no spores part
H. +/- Support
I. +/- Support
J. +Support, however I think the 008 should also know better not to kill inside spawn
Hot Take: -Support, respawn funny moment

Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022
Hello, please choose a single rework or 1 feature into this suggestion, as you have multiple suggestions in one suggestion.
yeah but its a 24 hour cooldown to post suggestions, it'd take me over a week to post these
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