Chambers' Site Advisor Application

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MRP Patriot
Feb 1, 2021
Wales, United Kingdom
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:69068235
Discord name: Chambers#8503
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 2 months
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Wales, UK.
Time zone: GMT.
Character name(s): Chambers H [FR-1], Chambors
Civilian name: Chamborino
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 CPT (Current)
CI Alpha Operative (Previously)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have not.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for site advisor for a few reasons, firstly, I have been in E-11 for a while now, I have played enough within the regiment and I am wanting to do something different on the server for a fresh change. I believe that site advisor is a great next step for me, and it is a step which will allow me to do something different on the server. Secondly, I have seen recently there have been a lack of site advisors, mainly due to them leaving for other positions, and I believe I can help with filling the role, and helping with their job, which is an important one, and with the amount of people they have currently, it may be hard to do that.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
There are a few things which make me suitable for Site administration, firstly, and most importantly in my opinion is my level of maturity. I believe being in a commanding positions such as site advisor requires a certain level of maturity, a level of maturity which I have. Secondly, I have a lot of experience in commanding roles, both on SCPRP and in previous similar servers. I am currently an E-11 Captain, which are overseen by site administration, I have seen how they act and how they manner themselves first hand from past experience, so this has given me more knowledge on how they are.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The main responsibilities of the site administration are making sure that the sight runs smoothly and if anything comes up that hinders the performance of the site that it is dealt with in a professional manner. The main tasks are normally over-watching procedures of the different teams within site 65, and taking notes on what they do well, and what they can improve on, and they passing that on to the respective personnel. It is an important role, because if the site administrators didn't do their job well, the overall functionality of the facility may start to sway from the desired path.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jordan Chambers was born in Leeds in 1987. From a young age of 14 his only goal was to join the military, and to help his country.
At 18, he joined the army, reaching the rank of CPL. After leaving the army at 24, he was approached by members of Site 44, in Essex, to join an MTF Unit. He would accept, and undergo MTF training at this facility, as that is a large part of Site 44. After he completed his training, he would join Epsillon 11, otherwise known as nine tailed fox. Throughout his time in E-11, he would take part in the recontainment of several SCP's, including 173, 096 and many others. In 2021, he was transferred to Site 65, where he would receive a promotion to captain. Though, towards the end of his career in E-11, after 11 years in the MTF, he would want something more, he would want to move into a more stable sort of role, one which wouldn't require him to move from site to site, he believed site administration would be the role for him.

Deleted member 1285

+ Support
+ Beef stew
+ Mature
+ Part of the staff team - Well mannered and fits the job

+ Good luck chambers - Julien


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Active IG/TS.
  • Friendly.
  • Experience.


  • Haven't had much roleplay interactions with.
  • Unsure on Site Administration capacity.


  • N/A
Good Luck.
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