Denied Change US Combat Medic bunks

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
To change the US Combat Medic bunks back to what it was before (having a ammo box and a place to refill Armour)
This was changed abruptly due to small IC issues and has caused more issues then its worth.
Possible Positives of the suggestion: (At least 2)
Armour refill station near central areas (D Block, LCZ and PW).
Brings people into med bay thus creating more opportunity for positive RP interactions.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Small amount of work to change back

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Many people dislike the change and I feel it was unneeded, its a simple thing to fix and would make alot of people happy.
(New Bunks for reference)


Active member
Feb 13, 2023
Not sure a forums suggestion can get it changed but I hope it can.
Those poor Combat Medics must now go all the way to SS & back just for armor & ammo
+/- Support

Yes, but only if just combat medics can enter their bunks. The problem was their bunks were feeling less like actual bunks for them, and more like just a stock-up station. Maybe if people actually respected their bunks, and if the rules were changed so that only combat medics could enter their bunks, then this would be a full +Support


Active member
Apr 24, 2023
- Support
until a actual answer to the constant trespassing problem is found i feel this change is necessary also you can get ammo every minute from the dispenser that’s in bunks you all are blowing this change out of proportion and making it seem like a huge problem


Active member
Apr 24, 2023
- Support
until a actual answer to the constant trespassing problem is found i feel this change is necessary also you can get ammo every minute from the dispenser that’s in bunks you all are blowing this change out of proportion and making it seem like a huge problem
Also your suggestion on forums to revert the CM bunks has “ammo and armor station near d block and lcz” states as a positive we clearly stated this change was made to keep people out of the bunks, also the put “more people going into medbay which will lead to positive rp scenarios” even though this change was also implemented to stop the disrespectful confrontations in medbay regarding CMs and GSD or even agents/mtf
+Support. I feel as if it was a foolish change and that you should just enforce heavier trespassing penalties.
i was enforcing it before this change in a way that enforced people to communicate with medical lead and setup interaction points for Medical and other MTF/departments but it ended up with O1 being real upset and ethics threatening my position if i enforced it so i simply removed the issue that was causing the site so much tension with medical. This decision also adds a bunch of benefits for the actual gameplay loop of the server instead of pure convenience for the Combative gameplay at specific times.

This removal provides D-Class and CI with more of a fighting chance to perform their gameplay loop instead of everyone running to Medbay for instant free full refills, furthermore, there are multiple points across the site already with boxes, in LCZ you have; Security Sector and Secondary Armory for full refills, and in the interim all dispensers provide small amounts of ammo and armour which creates a fairer balance.

"Brings people into med bay thus creating more opportunity for positive RP interactions." this in no way creates RP scenarios for Medical as people usually disrespected or ignored any form of interaction with medical staff as their soul goal was to refill in supplies and run straight back out sometimes even being extremely rude to people when questioned.
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+ Support

Regular doctors don't even have proper bunks, the entire issue was just CM and Medical complaining over "Trespassing". I'd rather someone go into the room to get armour then a CL4 be shanked to death because they didn't have any armour.

Without the elevator to SS anymore, it's not as feasible to have everyone BUT combat medics go to SS for armour from D-Block, when Combat Medics ARENT IN DANGER AS OFTEN AND IN A MINORITY.

To me the entire situation was completely pointless to complain about, as CM wanted to feel special, when everyone else in Medical that isn't CL4, don't even get bunks (Trainees, Doctors, Psychiatrist).

If you want it to be a bunk, then let your other Medical personal use it as bunks too, because they don't get any.

If a Medical Consultant is one suggesting the change, I ask how many CL4 IN medical actually wanted this change outside of Combat Medics (who anyone can be as a non-white listed role)
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This removal provides D-Class and CI with more of a fighting chance to perform their gameplay loop instead of everyone running to Medbay for instant free full refills, furthermore, there are multiple points across the site already with boxes, in LCZ you have; Security Sector and Secondary Armory for full refills, and in the interim all dispensers provide small amounts of ammo and armour which creates a fairer balance.
Also adding in regards to this, it hasn't stopped CI AND D-Class from causing major issues when it was present.

The ammo boxes you talk about require quite the distance to get to. (Stated in other comment)

The dispensers armour and ammo amounts is not worth it in comparison to the cool down, and would result in people just standing in Medbay to use the dispensers instead, blocking the hallway instead of being off in a CM Spawn Room.
I mean wouldn't it be better to address the CO'S of O-1 about an O-1 trespassing? If it is a CO go to the COM and LTCOM. There's a lot of solutions that could've been done. Now I don't know how much you've done behind the scenes. But this seems like it would have been a logical option.
from my experience with the majority of o1 leadership they were basically on the same board of "its too convenient to not allow us access whenever we want it"
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