Accepted Changing Job Title of IT Specialist

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would change the IT Specialist job title in the player's username so it wouldn't be Specialist John Doe, because that is the same for the Containment Specialist job. The jobs also have a similar color making it even more confusing over comms. The IT Specialist can simply be renamed to "I.T"
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Less confusion over comms because you would know which job they are immediately instead of having to look at the color and think about it which could be more time than you have. I also feel like this would help communication over comms because they would immediately if you're a Containment Specialist or just an I.T

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Possible confusion right after the renaming, but I don't really see any. I would love feedback if anyone does see any drawbacks though.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel like this would be a good change that would help with communication in comms, it's a very minor change but it's bothered me since the less than a day I started playing Containment Specialist and realized I.T had the same job title.


Active member
Dec 26, 2022
Croatia, Republic of

Although the role isn't used as often - it does happen sometimes. Communications can also be confusing as you've mentioned yourself. Pretty solid suggestion with no real negatvies, good luck!
Jan 8, 2023
Well I.T stands for information technology, which isn't a role you can hold its just a phrase for a line of work.
Specialist being in the name identifies the person as an Information Technology Specialist. So I think the suggestion should be changing the word to something more fitting. As Information Technology wouldn't make much sense as a role.

Could change it to I.T Technician or Information systems technician. As this is an official job title for many people of the same line of work, relatively speaking.
Well I.T stands for information technology, which isn't a role you can hold its just a phrase for a line of work.
Specialist being in the name identifies the person as an Information Technology Specialist. So I think the suggestion should be changing the word to something more fitting. As Information Technology wouldn't make much sense as a role.

Could change it to I.T Technician or Information systems technician. As this is an official job title for many people of the same line of work, relatively speaking.
Tech Support
Jan 6, 2023
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