Chez 'Whiplash' Consultant Application (US)


New Member
Oct 16, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107193359
Discord name: Froggo4844
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 3 months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Chez 'Chip' (CI), Chez 'Whiplash' Harest (use to be Tryian Miharest) (F)
Civilian name: Professor Psy Hotic
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:MTF NU7 SPC, CI BCOM,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why? 1, for FEARRP because I was getting meta'd by two combat medics, didn't appeal it because I didn't have Medal at the time
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?Main reason to continue my habit of giving a psych evaluation for every SCP, but on top of that medical has been my most played role besides CI. I learned myself how to make chemicals from medical and also having my own experience leading RP scenarios and as a consultant I believe I can help others conduct said RP. I've played medical a lot, and the only annoying thing I would say would be chefs asking for fent.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: As said I've been in medical for a long time, I understand leadership in a field where new people would be and I understand how to conduct myself to lead said people. Being in a research field I know how to conduct and move forward with task when needed with even minimal resources. Also being a CL4 position and understanding discipline and how to lessen bad habits. With medical being a very RP based job it can also be a very mingy one as it is the first job most people gain access to which has access to chems. I believe i can make a contribution to this team and also listening to the concerns of SCP players making it more connected, instead of constant sampling and breaching.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
  • Stomach Pumping
Pumping someone's stomach due to consuming sulfur or some other thing they aren't supposed to can be done in two ways. One surgically through the stomach by first getting proper PPE and getting them in surgery. Next sedating them to people them to sleep. After that we will grab our scalpel, numbing cream, and some medical pilfers. I would then apply the cream even though they are knocked out it still needs to be numbed. Next mark a point for incision and then start to cut. Then I would carefully cut into the stomach, making sure to be careful with the stomach lining. I would then remove said material from the stomach if it was physical. Then i will suture back up the stomach carefully and close the subject back up. Then make sure vitals are fine throughout. For pumping I will sedate with laughing gas and then insert a tubes into their nose for oxygen, then I put a numbing solution down the throat and put the tube down their throat using water and suctions to clean out the chemicals. Afterwards with both of these procedures I will then lay them down to make a swift recovery.
  • Broken Bone
For a broken bone you must first identify which bone. escort them to the x-ray machine and tell them to rest in a comfortable postilion, then go to the screen and see what is damaged. Remember that is from there side not yours and then you will go to the medicine cabinet and grab the respective limbs fix. If there is none in the cabinet you will have to make it by buying the calcium and empty drug jar. Finally administer the drug to the patient and the broken bone should be good as new (with time)
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: To be overall a headstone for the medical division in such of the following ways

Medical Licenses: You need to be able to give people the needed medical licenses to go deeper into the medical field whether that be someone wanting to become a Doctor, a Combat medic or a NU7 medic. I know the requirements and skills to give licenses and such with being good at giving presentation and live action performance.

Combat Medics: You need to be able to train on site combat medics. Being some of the important people due to the mass amount of casualties on site these guys can be the different between a breach and a safe site.

Discipline: I know as a medical consultant you must be able to give out punishments when needed. This could be handing drugs your not supposed as a doctor, to performing unauthorized surgeries, or combat medics being on surface when not allowed .

Decision making: As the second highest in the medical department you must have the final say on what happens on site medically. You have to be able help other departments with assisting on testing on infection diseases and SCP's that deal within the medical field. Finally you also must be able to do your job name and have a consul with other department heads about procedures in the facility.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in
Birth Place: Camrose, Alberta, Canada | Birth Name: Ruphold 'Chez' Harest
Gender - Male | Nationality - N/A
Height - 203 cm | Weight - 230 Kg | Age - 24 | DoB - March 20, 2000
Eye Color - Brown |Fur Color - White
Likes - Psychology, Art, Psych Rock, Fireflies | Dislikes - Badgers, The summer months
Backstory: In a town lived two cousins, born 2 years a part and they lived across the town from each other. Ruphold was drawing by the lake, brisk autumn leaves fill the town and the air smells of nature and frost. It was almost time for the long cold, He was trying to draw two people sitting on a bench, but just couldn't get the hands write. He would look at his own for reference but couldn't due to his condition. He sat they're looking at the lake and remembering how he got into this mess anyways, it wasn't very clear but he could remember it. When he was very young, like 12 cells young the town was infected. a strain, a drop, a nothing, was in the water, SCP-354 which was ███ kilometers north of the town got into their town water supply infecting a few with some features. Some just a few extra fingers, toes, maybe a limb. But for 5 this wasn't the case, 2 were turned into bears, one polar the other brown. like the first reported creatures who came out of the lake. 1 having the properties of frost, his body temp was -6 C and he could make it snow around him. the 4th having a weird connection upon blood contact being able to telepathically communicate, finally the 5th whose heart was a star measuring at a temp of - ████ C. Ruphold looked at the lake knowing what caused this and finished the drawing. The men behind him asked if he was finished. Responding with "is art ever finished" One MTF collection unit sighed and just told the kid to hurry it. 4 were put into the truck, the telepath wasn't known till later. Ruphold, Chez, Theo, Felix were taken to a nearby site in Alberta near the Saskatchewan border. Designated there as just people in the site they lived there in special containment. Trying to figure out how each of them the way they were, knowing that both of the bears were related cousins they both got the same nickname. Chez, as it was Ruphold middle name and it was just the other bears first name.There in the foundation they were allowed to do as please. With of course precaution, the cousins took different paths, Ruphold going to medicine while Chez took up research. Ruphold quickly learned about medical practice, taking up small trainee jobs and such. But he really liked helping during evaluations, he felt that he had such calm moments that he could share with others. He also was a big fan of Diogenes, because he even ask himself "what is a man" and if he qualifies. At the age of 18 he was a full fledged doctor with a year to spare in his PHD which he was given in Major in Psychology and a Minor in Infectious Disease. He later understood a lot of infectious disease when a out break of ███ happened at site ██. He didn't understand how this could happen, why this would happen, who let this happen. He felt his heart drop as most people around him have passed. But on the plains leading out of the site he saw a familiar site, a figure in the snow storm. He turned around and waved and gave a salute before venturing off into the snow. Only a few of the site to survive; he was given to chance to leave. he knew that he didnt have to be here. But here he could make a choice, he believed the choice was simple for him. Make sure this never happens again "My coming seen far off? I miss thee here,Not pleas’d, thus entertaind with solitude"
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