PAC Request CI - "Blackout" (pac3 request)

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.


Active member
Dec 30, 2022
  • Personnel File
  • Code Name - "Blackout"
  • Bio -
  • Skills: welding and repair.
    Birth Records- [404 not available]
    Height- 6'4
    Weight- 190 pounds
  • Rank - Alpha
  • Regiment - CI Operative
  • Backstory - "Blackout" was born in a small rural town in the Midwest United States. His father was a Marine welder and his mother a technician for a local manufacturing plant. Growing up, he was an average kid, but always had an interest in the military and the mysteries of the world. At the age of 18, Blackout joined the Marines and was quickly assigned to a welding and metalworking company. He excelled in his work and earned the respect of his fellow Marines. He quickly gained an appreciation for the importance of order, discipline, and loyalty. After his four years of service, Blackout decided to pursue a different path. He moved to the Middle East, where he found work with a private security firm. While working, he learned many different tactics and strategies that would later prove invaluable. However, Blackout soon found himself in the middle of an insurgency. He was recruited by the Chaos Insurgency, an organization that sought to overthrow the "oppressive regimes of the region". He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of their most trusted operatives. Blackout's knowledge of tactics, weaponry, and strategy made him a valuable asset to the Chaos Insurgency. He led countless successful operations for the organization and iswell-respected by his peers. Today, Blackout is still a valued member of the Chaos Insurgency. He is loyal to the cause and uses his knowledge of tactics and strategy to further their cause. He is a master of the art of war and a leader among his peers. though in his stair time, he likes making himself some armor to wear in battle.

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Active member
Dec 30, 2022
bro that looks like a robot :skull:
well.. I wanted to be unique from others who use pac3, just being honest, I'm use to building pac3 from the ground up, but here that's a completely different, sooo I'm trying to be creative and unique while trying to retain the realism here, and yeah he may look like a robot, but that's not what i'm trying to go for, just fancy looking armor, that is all


Active member
Jun 21, 2022
West Midlands, UK
PAC Denied

Hi @Agent_Onslaught-777 ,

I apologise for the delay. Your PAC request has been denied for the following reasons;

Unrealistic for any job on the server.

by Red, Saint and Rushi

You may amend your lore and request a review again by contacting a Server Leadership Member.

Kind Regards