Content Suggestion CI "Commanding Officer" Loadout change

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Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Replace the current weapons for CI "Commanding Officer" currently being SOPMOD+ Mossberg to be replaced with the new loadout SOPMOD + RPD (with nerfed statistics).

This suggestion proposed removes the current weapon on the loadout being the "Mossberg" and replaces it with the "RPD" which is currently an LMG not used on any loadout. The proposed nerfs for the RPD would be to change the current mag capacity of the "RPD" from 160 rounds to 75-100 rounds.

this suggestion would also make the CI "Commanding Officer" Jobs slots go from the current 3 and to be changed too 2 slots.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I don't believe this has been suggested before, this just aims to give the job a purpose.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- The Job is currently only used for roleplay (such as interrogating for key cards etc)

- The Jobs usage would increase

- It would actively be utilised in the gameplay loop.

- The RPD is an accurate weapon for the current theme of CI

- Higher ranks would have more incentive to play on the Jobs designed for them and not hop on jobs such as "Delta operative" so other players have a chance to play the jobs that their rank eligibility allows them too!

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- It would buff CI which already has a lot of loadouts/utility across the board.

- higher ranks would have less access to the job due to the slots being reduced.

- Could cause balancing issues as it adds two extra LMGs to the CI faction.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this should be accepted as it would give a purpose to the job. Currently, from what I have gathered, it servers almost no utility in actual raids, as almost every other job within the faction serves a more useful purpose (for both US and UK). I have suggested this weapon after testing, as it has a very low range and would only serve a purpose in close range. While this is a buff to CI, I do not believe the proposed changes are so powerful that it would damage balancing, as it would be on par/similar to loadouts such as "DEA Senior Agent," etc with reduced slots.
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