Denied Cleaning Detail RP

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Nov 12, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I want a change to the vibes the server has right now to have an RP system in place- knowing that certain SCPs have the ability to mess up their entire containment chambers like 173, 035, 939s, and others too. For this, I want a system where there needs to be a cleaning detail done for a certain number of SCP cells so that there's more traffic going around in places like HCZ when only tests or samplings being the only thing worthwhile over there.

If there could be an actual SYSTEM in place, then when the server is near FULL, and about an hour or two past restarts, is when the neglect of cleaning can also be cause of some of these certain SCPs to have their breach timer reduced. This obviously gets reset when the SCP has been hacked out/breached queued. This can also be of benefit to foundation, since being ontop of their cleanings would mean less chance of a breach from occurring.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so. I've seen other SCP servers with a advert system of maintaining SCP cells or else they breach under a 15-30 min timer. However with the pace of this server, I believe this should be tied in with the breach queue timers instead. Breach votes being as minimal to the timers as they are, forcing much needed maintenance roleplay would be good for making the vibe a bit different.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- gives SCUs/ researchers/e11 more things to do, rather than the normal research/samplings that are done in HCZ, and brings in more RP traffic into HCZ/LCZ.

- Some SCPS that are often left out in research projects can come to light again. I know I listed some popular ones (035, 173), but less popular ones can be somewhat more worth to flag onto and wait for a cleaning team to visit you and cook.

- D-class will have to be used much more to help "clean" these SCPs, and also gives them more RP in their lives.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Not all D-class and containment units are the same. Some may abuse this system and not clean at all, and initially people might even forget to clean these SCPs. This would really only be a problem if we happen to tie this with the breach queue system. Otherwise it might aswell be a simple rp system that can be ignored, another negative

- Some SCPs will act malicious, as can every non-whitelisted job can, and sabotage attempts to maintain their CC despite everything going right. Which may bring more work on staff to have to get evidence from all sides, decide punishment, etc.

- People do not like the idea of anything that changes the equilibrium of breach queues, and will not support something that requires RP.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

As said previously it can be a system that is purely RP, i.e maybe some decal changes in 173s/035's/939s chambers that changes their environment. or it can be tied to breach timer aswell, and require maintenance to keep it from being changed based on the work put in place to maintain some of these scp's cells.
Obviously not every SCP should have this system, just to avoid so much headache going all across HCZ/LCZ to maintain every single one, there are ALOT already in the server. I think this will change the pace of which foundation function in keeping the SCPs contained, which no matter how you put it, is always something that is a big thing in the SCP universe. Otherwise, everything would be at the mercy of breach queues/hacks/or the rare researcher who does anything other than sampling.
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