Denied Clearance Filtered Dispensers

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Feb 27, 2022

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

[EDIT: Clarification: This is purely a QoL suggestion that affects which items are shown in the dispenser according to what the players are able to dispense according to how the Dispensers work currently]

If accepted, this suggestion would make it so that the Material Object Dispensers only showcase the items available to the highest clearance keycard level the player's currently holding or has in their inventory.
i.e if someone spawns with a a clearance 2 keycard, the dispenser only shows items that can be obtained with a clearance 1 and 2 keycard, but if for example they were to have picked up a clearance 4 keycard it would show them clearance 1 through 4 items while they have the CL4 card in their inventory.

For players without keycards it could just show a generic notification like WARNING: NO CLEARANCE LEVEL DETECTED. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS ATTEMPT LOGGED.

This suggestion would not affect the items dropped when hacking the dispensers.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

It would help avoid the clutter in the dispensers, making them more pleasant to work with.
It would make it easier for lower clearance jobs (Cl1 & CL2) to dispense items relevant to them.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

The only negative of this suggestion I could think of would be that newer players would be less familiar with the available items from the Dispensers if they were to unlock higher clearance jobs, which would get resolved very quickly through trial and error, or just from tips from more experienced players.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Based on the positives and negatives I think that this suggestion would be a very helpful addition and one I think a lot of players would appreciate.
Last edited:
Feb 27, 2022
- support
D Class/raiding CI need to be able to access dispensors

Hi, I don't think you understand my suggestion, only if people don't have keycards does the dispenser not work, if a D class or a CI picks up a keycard, they can just use the dispenser like described, additionally, I am not suggesting any changes to how the items are dispensed, only which items are shown according to what players are able to dispense from them. :)


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
Hi, I disagree to this, as a CL3+ it might not really seem to make any difference, but say someone on a CL1 job for them the dispenser is completely filled with items they cannot use, which makes it more annoying to find to the items they can use. :)
God forbid they read the ones with the text CL1 ??? it would be an un-needed change that would waste the dev's time when they could be doing something to genuinely improve the server
Hi, I don't think you understand my suggestion, only if people don't have keycards does the dispenser not work, if a D class or a CI picks up a keycard, they can just use the dispenser like described, additionally, I am not suggesting any changes to how the items are dispensed, only which items are shown according to what players are able to dispense from them. :)
- support
D Class/raiding CI need to be able to access dispensors
CI would be barely affected by this change as they dont need foundation keycards to use dispensers. Only CI i would see affected would be the operative as they would only have CL2. I think the change overall would be useless. Only interesting thing this would do is hiding items from new players and thats it

Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi Alan,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

This change is very unneeded and un supported.
If there are problems with searching for anything in the dispenser, you may use the search bar.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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