Coke's Site Advisor Application [USA]

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Active member
Jun 26, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:436441132
Discord name:coke.l
For how long have you played on CG SCP:1,972,260seconds 22 days
In what country are you located?:Sweden
Time zone:CET(Central European Time)
Character name(s):Coke 'Bishop'
Civilian name:James
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-IA Ambassador
-Overseer Assistant
-Ci Alpha held
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-Well, I have a few reasons why I want to join as a site admin. First, I want to be able to authorize tests so that I can help with research and have more fun. Secondly, I want to be able to help departments improve so that the RP experience ends up being better than it has been in the last few months. Thirdly, I want to have more interactions with GOIs like the GOC. The fourth reason is that I quite enjoy interacting with others, and as a site advisor, you will have to do that quite a bit.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
Even though I do not have any senior CL4 experience, I have been in a CL4 position since June 29 as an IA ambassador. Since then, I have been a professional and positive member of IA, always striving to help make the site a better place by training agents and enforcing the CoE, CoC, and FLC. As such, I have great knowledge of all three legal codes. I also have experience as a Site Inspection Assistant for about two months, during which I have strived to do my best, as I do with all tasks. If I were accepted as a site admin, I would continue to strive for excellence. Additionally, I have been a consultant for nearly a week, which has given me insight into the role of a consultant. This means I have gained perspective from two different departments, along with assistant experience, which would help me as a Site Advisor.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Authorizing tests
- Authorizing AA(advanced armory)if needed
-Oversee Departments
-Authorize D-Block Sweeps
-Authorize kos past airlock
-Ensure that personnel is following CoE CoC and FLC
-Calling code blacks if needed
-Allowing GOC to Help if Needed during a breach
-Approving work permits
-Authorizing Mass Terminations if really needed
- Assisting Departments with policy change
-Authorize GoI raids if needed
-Attending sr cl4 meetings
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
In his early childhood, James went on his family's annual trip to a nearby forest for camping and alone time. While they were trekking, he ended up getting lost and walked alone in the forest for several hours. During which, young James encountered a mysterious being, both of them locking eyes with each other. It was tall and slender and had a calming aura that placed his rushing mind at ease. James had no idea how long he was trapped in the entity's trance, but it felt like it had been hours. Eventually, it started moving towards him at fast speeds, causing the young boy to return to his senses, witnessing the entity's true face, its face full of teeth and eyes. As the entity began swinging its arm at him, the young boy ran as fast as he could, dodging attacks from falling trees and the entity's long arms by swerving around the thick flora of the forest. The young boy survived that day after the light of the moon touched the entity causing its retreat back into the dark forest. The experience left the boy scarred but determined to know more. As children do, he began telling the tales of the creature but none would believe him, dismissing them as nothing more than the wild imaginations of a boy. It was only after he talked with his local priest that he found comfort in his grace. Since then, he determined himself in the name of God to protect humanity from the clutches of demons, studying under the priest the knowledge of the occult and demonology. It was here he got his nickname and codeword "Bishop."

To earn an income to survive, he decided to become a Police officer where he got basic training, which included basic gun training. He later got promoted to a Swedish detective and encountered a case with anomalous origins. A local priest had disappeared without a trace from the church he was working in one night when he was alone. James ended up spending several weeks on it as it never made sense; there was no trace the priest left the building. One night, he decided to be in that church alone. It was quiet for a while until he heard a voice coming from the dark, whispering to him to come closer. James started moving closer with his gun drawn, but before reaching the darkness, he saw it: a shadow that was not his own, about to grab him from behind. It was then he turned around and made his shadow shoot the anomalous shadow. As he did, the whispers stopped and nothing happened during the night. He never found the priest. Later, after writing his report, he was contacted by one of his superiors who was a Foundation agent to be recruited by the Foundation. James accepted.

He joined as a General Security cadet and worked diligently, eventually earning a promotion to guard. During this time, he transitioned to research, spending considerable time learning about different SCPs. Despite his dedication, he missed detective work and studied the legal codex, code of conduct, and ethics.

James eventually joined Internal Affairs, passing the test on his first attempt. He dedicated himself to enforcing the Legal Codex, Code of Conduct, and Code of Ethics to the best of his ability, always seeking opportunities to assist wherever possible. After two weeks, Operative Coke "Bishop" became an Ambassador. Coke "Bishop" has done his best to ensure that agents were behaving properly and that the legal codes were upheld. After four weeks, Coke 'Bishop' made sure that the FLC Code of Conduct was being upheld by the agents and operatives and that they acted in a manner befitting their position. Now Coke 'Bishop' is looking for ways to climb up the foundation to ensure that more people follow the Code of Conduct and FLC. He began asking around until he heard about site inspection and started asking their assistants about their duties so that he could join the assistants' ranks in an effort to help the site inspectors. and once he became a assitant Coke 'Bishop' has done his best to help the site inspectors fufilling there orders.later deciding to devrsify his dutys coke joined the medical department doing his best to cure and treat the foundation personal and now that he has spent a bit in the medical deparment he seeks to become a consultant to help more. It has now been nearly a week since James became a consultant, and during that time, James has done his best to help the doctor he now oversees. As he looks at his emails, he sees that a new Site Advisor position has opened up, and James decides to give it a try to see if he has what it takes to join Site Admin.


Active member
Jun 26, 2024
Note as i said i may not have sr cl4 experience
but many great site advisors and managers didn't either
Murphy vad
Steven Preisler
Don Budder
all great Site advisors and managers and none of them had sr cl4

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Really friendly and caring (He asks how I and Research are doing frequently)

Very Active and super helpful

Holds a variety of CL4 positions

Hope we can still hang out and chat in TS when and if you get his position which I know you will : )
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Coke's Site Advisor Application


Hello Coke, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to contact any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Coke's Site Advisor Application


Hello Coke, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am placing this application on a temporary HOLD while I decide on the next Site Manager. I will provide a verdict on this application soon.
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