"Comet" Tiggle's US Captain Application

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Jul 11, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:246118958
Discord name: BRUH#1840
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've played CG SCP for around 2 years, but left a few times for other servers.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
F - "Comet" Tiggle
CI - Goonie Tiggle
CIV - Comet T.
GOC - "Comet" T
Civilian name: Comet T.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI - A
(096 if it counts)
Have you received any active kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have no active warns or bans
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
-I think a lot of the issues come with no leader to help organize General Security, and no one to guide them. I would like to be a Security Captain so I can lead the Security team, hold informational meetings for the Security to be up to date on their knowledge, setting posts for the Security so that everyone knows what they're doing. These are good changes that I believe a leader like myself should have. These changes will ultimately result in General Security being in check, and not massively chaotic. All of these duties I mentioned are something I am more than willing to take part in. While I understand General Security can be hard to deal with for most people (since they're the backbone of the facility and most new people who arrive on site will start right here), I do believe my leadership skills will be than suffice, and I will not crack under the pressure of all of the D-Class and Security. This is why I am applying for Security Captain, because of these skills, along with knowledge between rule breakers and ethics. I believe I am more than capable to make sure everyone is happy, and receive a nice welcome to the site (which will make sure they have an enjoyable roleplay experience).

-What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I have played SCP RP through many servers but mostly this server off all, I have seen many ways GenSec deal with things, some of them being realistic, while others being FailRp or just them not even trying. I would like to put a stop to all the minges and people that have no idea what they are doing. I have helped many Captain's throughout my time of playing the server so know what to expect. I would like to help out the newer people while also assisting the people who know what they are doing. I do my best to not minge as I have a good reputation on MRP and want to have a good reputation on SCP RP too. I am active on the server, on almost everyday, decently known on the server, have pretty good behavior, serious when needed to be. I see lots of GenSec often going to garage during a Code Black or sitting in PW during a Containment Breach, I would like to put an end to things such as that by having half of GenSec assist with the breach while the others keeping Class-D inside D Block.

-What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Security Captains are responsible for ensuring GenSec is doing there jobs and D-Block is under control. They are also responsible for hosting lectures, trainings, and doing license trainings. They are also responsible for giving orders to GenSec in D-block to ensure every part of it is evenly staffed and under control. They also authorize sweeps when Dblock gets a little too crazy.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Comet" DREDD was born in Detroit, to a scientist mother/father. Despite this, in "Comet's" life science was the least of his interests. Ever since he was young "Comet's" interests layed in fighting and war. From getting into constant fights over nothing to playing war games whenever he could, "Comet's" was as far away from his parents roots. In school "Comet" did well although not an A student he wasn't a complete moron, and managed to graduate high school with a diploma. After finishing high school "Comet" Chose to go into marketing college, while he had no interest in the field he knew that its a good degree to have as a backup and that he needed a degree to join the officer school, which he did after 4 years of grueling and mind boring college.
"Comet" loved the army. Very much so, and after a 2 year officer school he graduated with honors and was sent out to become a 2LT. And was sent out to Camp Bullis Army Base, there he was tasked with guarding the base and training the Enlisted, a very boring job. And not one to his liking. Thankfully for "Comet", he was chosen to serve in Afghanistan after his promotion from LT to CPT. Where is was in charge of a company of 150 men guarding a military outpost. While not a grand adventure it was still more action than at the old base. This is also the first time "Comet" was in touch with the SCP foundation. While not known to him LTCOL was an intelligence agent of the foundations and was tasked with responding to surface anomalies, often times done covertly by one of his squadrons of MTF Lambda-14. Through his good work "Comet" had been chosen to oversee 30 GenSec and was given the rank of CPT. This came as a pleasant surprise as "Comet" was considering retiring from the army due to the boredom of the job.
During his time as a captain in the SCP foundation "Comet" , had done multiple things. He managed to secure a shipment of riot gear he manage to secure at a bargain from a closing prison near San Antonio. This had helped the site a lot when dealing with riots. On top of that he has also managed to recruit a lot of his former Servicemen depending on how he felt fit, this helped a lot with the sites recruitment problems at the time.


SCP - 096 WL


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