Denied Comms channel sharing

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Making comms channels (e.g. E11 comms or Gensec comms) shareable, i.e. the LT of E11 could allow Gensec or Nu-7 to view their comms during a containment breach, or Nu-7 being given Gensec comms during a code 2

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes coordination between factions a lot easier
Encourates cooperation between departments

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Abuse by brainwashed personnel (this is the fault of the CO for being kidnapped)
May be underutilised

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Since dedicated comms channels for specific departments were made it's been very annoying to coordinate well between departments. For example, during one breach where i was RRT we were called to assist in a code 5. In normal comms we've been told "SCP 079s room is being held by CI" and that backup was needed. When we got there, E11 had already cleared the room of CI but (presumably) only said so on E11 comms. This wasted the time of any RRT or Nu-7 HH trying to respond and help out in the breach.
In short, the departmental comms systems needs to be shareable because coordination between factions is a lot more difficult as of now.

Generally, the departmental comms system also made foundation comms chatter a lot less 'alive', as most MTF groups will only speak amongst themselves since there's really no need to use /c2 if you have the option of doing /gensec and so on but this is just a side-point that isn't really related to the suggestion


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
DarkRP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 2, 2023
London, England
- Support

Clearance 3 comms already exist and should be used for this purpose, CL2 and CL1 personnel shouldn't be hearing MTF comms. They should be told what to do and where to go by their Sergeant (CL3). Also feel like it would lead to situations where someone could forget to take away the permission to see a department's comms. I do agree with Avery's suggestion of a "Joint-Comms" system could work quite well in TS.
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Bill Nye The Guy ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

This will require a command to every department and the more commands we make the harder it is maintain ; becomes over complicated. It seems like this situation could have been avoided by using regular comms and this change would not have help the situation.

kind regards
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