Consultant Application [USA]

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Well-known Member
May 11, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47231286

Discord name: imthatkidmike

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 327.3 hours

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s):
[F] - Mike Moore
[CI] - Mike Wright
[Civ] - Michael Bialik

Civilian name: Michael Bialik

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant? I want to step up into my first CL4 card position as I want to have better ability to take part in RP situations and events. I also want to take part in medical more in depth.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I will do my best to help trainee's and doctor's while also helping trainee's advance by holding lectures and tests.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
EST, (Electro-shock Therapy)
When a foundation member comes down with an issue causing effect in their ability to do things, walk, run, and jump. They require EST to fix those issues.
1 - Bring patient to EST room
2 - Pin them against the back wall
3 - Ask if they have already been revived in this life, if not then ask if they give you permission to use EST
4 - If given approval by the patient acquire the EST device (Harpoon), aim, throw the EST device at chest level
5 - After the patient has been disabled by the EST device, run up and defib him while saying don't go to the light
6 - Once the patient awakens ask if the symptoms are still there or if there's any new ones, if not then release the patient to freedom or whoever brought him in.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: Their main responsibility is to help guide, regulate, and teach doctors and trainee's. Their second is to take part in CL4 activities, RP situations, and Events.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Mike Moore's Medical career started right after he got out of highschool and became an EMT and volunteer Firefighter. After working eight years at his local Fire Department he decided he could help more by moving up eventually choosing to join the coast guard. After getting highest marks on his ASVAB he had pick of the litter to choose what position he wanted. He decided to not start too high and to become a Rescue Swimmer. It was a rough 3 months during his BMT and further training in rescue. After passing it all with flying colors he had his graduation and acceptance. He was stationed at a Coast Guard base in Alexandria, Virginia. After 4 long years of ups and downs and all kinds of experiences he decided to reenlist but this time he decided to apply to join TACLET, the Tactical Law Enforcement Teams. As much as he loved working medicine he decided he could apply those skills and more to working in defending his state from criminals. Once in TACLET he excelled, it was even better than he thought, not just from the adrenaline of the work but also the fulfillment of knowing you are directly influencing your state and neighbors positively. But even with all of that he still felt a hole that couldn't be filled. Trying to ignore it he just went on and years later he went on a fateful distress call that would change his life. It was an early morning distress call from a ship 50 miles off the coast, Him and his team and a secondary team on backup with a boat answered the call and moved to approach it. On approach of the site of the distress all of the soldiers saw something they had never seen before, just down there in the water was a small freight liner just torn to shreds almost like it was attacked by a monster. He was the lead in going down from the helicopter, first to land on the slowly sinking ship, but something was wrong, Mike could feel it with chills coming down his back, goosebumps on his arms, and his hairs standing up. Something was throwing red alarms in his body and it was fully displaying it. Before he could even think about it he heard a loud crash, he turned around to see the backup team on the ship being torn in half almost being pulled down under the water, with the slowly dying screams of the people there. During the panic his crew tried to pull him up but something shot out of the water completely snapping the tail of the helicopter off, it lost control and crashed into the water, Mike with it. He blacked out and later woke up in an unfamiliar environment, it was a large patient room from what seemed to be a massive building. He is later told that he was the only survivor of the crash, they questioned him on what he saw and could remember, after the interview they left him with a question. While he was passed out they ran the background check on him and were impressed, someone with this experience and knowledge of medicine and even combat would be a benefit to the Foundation. The question gave him two choices, the first to be brought into the foundation as a combat medic saying it will introduce him into an amazing world yet terrifying world he had no idea about. Or he could choose to keep to his normal life and being given a drug to forget all knowledge of whats happened since the crash before being dropped off in an area to be found by a civilian. Not satisfied with them refusing to tell him what attacked him, killing his team and the backup team, people that were his brothers. He decided to accept the job and was brought in, they were right he was learning things he couldn't have imagined possible. But there was an issue, they refused to tell him what attacked him. Knowing he will find out if he works his way up he started off as a combat medic for field operations, after only a short period he was transferred to Site-65 to replace a recently lost combat medic stationed at that facility. With hard work and determination he worked his way up to a promotion to Consultant, although he was no longer in a combat position something he enjoyed most while practicing medicine, he knew it was a sacrifice he was willing to take for the chance to learn about the creature or even monster that attacked him killing his comrades. And if this position isnt high enough he's prepared to work himself up to the top.
Aug 23, 2022
From the Department of Medicine

Greetings Mr. Moore,

Thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply for the position of Medical Consultant.

After discussion with my team, we regret to inform you that your application has been Denied.
You are free to reapply after a period of two weeks has passed.

If you have any questions please reach out to me via Email (Discord)​

Department Director
Jason Schlatt
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