PAC Request containment specialist

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.


Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2022
logan is an SCP containment specialist that has been working for the Foundation for several years now. he is known for he strict adherence to the containment protocols, and he is always looking for ways to improve the procedures. logan is also very organized, and he keeps meticulous notes on all of the SCPs that he is responsible for containing.

Despite he serious nature, logan has been known to help out other personnel when needed. he is always willing to offer he advice and expertise, and he is a valuable member of the Foundation. background is complicated, and it is not really known how he came to work for the Foundation. However, he was a valuable member of the team and he contributions were greatly appreciated by he's colleagues.
logan has upgraded he armor to be more effective at containing SCPs. This new armor is more durable and provides greater protection from harmful effects that can be generated by certain SCPs.

The armor also has new features that make it more comfortable for long term use. These new features include a climate control system that keeps the wearer cool and comfortable, regardless of the temperature of the environment.

The upgraded armor also has new sensors that help with monitoring and observing SCPs. This new technology provides a more detailed view of their behavior and surroundings.
The armor is made of a new synthetic material that has been developed by the Foundation. This synthetic material is highly durable and provides great protection from damage.

The new synthetic material has many benefits, including being lightweight and comfortable to wear. It is also very easy to maintain, which makes it ideal for long term use.

The new material is designed to allow freedom of movement, so it does not constrain the wearer's body or restrict their movements.

Screenshot 2023-04-07 062842.png


Active member
Jun 21, 2022
West Midlands, UK
PAC Denied

Hi @jspill2001 ,

Your PAC request has been denied for the following reasons;

Does not look like a Containment Specialist.

by Red,Saint and Rushi

You may amend your lore and request a review again by contacting a Server Leadership Member.

Kind Regards