Content Suggestion Cooking Suggestion

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Active member
May 1, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Extra recipes that would be useful similar to the chemicals but not in the same way. Just special foods or something for somewhat unique things a chef could make. Such as coffee brownies, they could give something similar to normal duloxetine but for a few seconds, as like a caffein rush. Or eating raw food could make you potentially catch an illness which would require medical intervention (Though this could be done in RP)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge, no.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Chefs would have more incentive to cook, instead of running around being disruptive or doing nothing
Gives D-Class the possibility to have much lower but still feasible effects from chemicals, be them negative or positive
Would also get the persons on the server to purchase more goods from chefs and see them as useful instead of annoying

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Possible abuse of foods in the same way as chemicals
Possibly slightly lower server performance due to the potential scripts that would run when such foods are being made, consumed or otherwise idly existing depending on the way such a modification would be made

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Regardless of the performance and the potential health alterations the mandatory consumption of food already there, food seems severely lack luster. The primary reason people want to improve their cooking level for the most part is to avoid having to cook in the future with their stockpile of food, the potential of insta-kill cyanide or to make funny foods like giant bread or pretzels. The introduction of slight buffs/hinderances given by foods can give people incentive to cook, and seeing as the food would not be consumable after the hunger bar is full, then it makes it slightly harder to abuse.