Denied Corpse/body ragdoll despawn change

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change when corpse ragdolls disappear. Namely:
  • If the person has been dead for a long time and hasn't respawned, get rid of the ragdoll anyway
    • Once removed, the body would no longer be revivable - I think this may already be the case after some time, but not sure
  • If the person respawns, leave the corpse ragdoll for a small amount of time, e.g. a minute or so
    • Would not be able to revive the person in this state, but gives a visual indicator that somebody recently died there

EDIT - Alternatively:
  • Add a new SWEP/tool/action thing: the body bag
  • The tool/item/"ammo" for this is either:
    • Something you spawn with, and given to roles like Combat Medic, Senior Doctor+ (and maybe the suggested biohazard medic from the other suggestion thread about that, and maybe also any janitor role that might ever be added)
    • Gotten via the !medic menu
  • Corpses never despawn by themselves, except when the person is not revivable AND:
    • There are no players active that have/can get bodybags; or
    • Staff use a cleanup command; or
    • There are over a certain amount of corpses already present on the server - the oldest one despawns first, and the new one remains
  • People can then move corpses around using the bodybags, place the bodybags somewhere else, or put them into a morgue/something like that in medbay that would essentially delete the corpse
    • Intruders like CI DCs can then have bodybags and use these to hide/dispose of/steal corpses to hide evidence of their presence of what they're doing, or do RP around it
  • When carrying a full bodybag, you have to put it down to switch to a different SWEP, you move slower, and it's very visible.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I could find.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Makes it so people don't see an old body and keep calling it out and panicking, because somebody just stayed on the death screen for ages
  • Makes it so even if somebody immediately respawns, there is still a visual indicator that somebody just died there, which can be investigated
  • With more recent corpses hanging around for a bit, it adds to the atmosphere, especially e.g. during a mass breach where lots of people are dying
  • Makes it actually possible to catch the fact that somebody just died somewhere, with some amount of context, as it's usually basically impossible

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Dev time
  • Makes sneaking into places harder, as the corpses you leave behind can give away the fact that there is an intruder
    • May make CI/GOC mains mad, mainly
  • More corpses = more physics entities = more lag
    • Probably only a problem during e.g. mass breaches where lots of people are dying
    • Can be mitigated by having this e.g. be automatically disabled once there are too many corpses, or when the server is under heavy load, until this is no longer the case
    • Removing old corpses of AFK players also does the opposite, and reduces the amount of corpses around

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It would add the possibility of discovering incidents that need investigating, which is both a good RP opportunity and makes it actually possible to discover that somebody has died. Right now, non-AFK people usually instantly respawn, which removes their corpse and makes it actually impossible to realise anything has happened there - so any DCs, escaped D-class, etc. just get away unnoticed because the corpse magically disappears within 5 seconds. There's always going to be gaps where people can slip through and kill someone unnoticed - this gives a way for it to actually be noticed and investigated.

This would make DC and other raids more challenging, but in a way that can be mitigated through tactics. You can't just kill someone in the middle of a corridor for their keycard, you would have to lure them to a less-travelled area to avoid their corpse being spotted. You can't just rely on the corpse magically disappearing to do the cleanup work for you.

The despawning of old corpse ragdolls would also both reduce the number of physics entities present (which, admittedly, the other part adds to), and make it less confusing when somebody goes AFK after dying and people keep calling out a body, not realising it's old and not a concern.
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+-neutral only if there is a way to get rid of the bodies payday style like dragging it or removing it with a body-bag SWEP or smth (persistent bodies would make CI/GOC stealth raids a LOT HARDER to pull off)
i don't think you fully get the suggestion - this isn't asking to make the bodies fully persistent, it's asking to change their level of persistency contextually - and pretty much every case terminates

unless you mean like a "hide the bodies from view" kinda way, in which case i'm dumb and also yeah i like that idea
i don't think you fully get the suggestion - this isn't asking to make the bodies fully persistent, it's asking to change their level of persistency contextually - and pretty much every case terminates

unless you mean like a "hide the bodies from view" kinda way, in which case i'm dumb and also yeah i like that idea
yeah i mean what you're calling "hiding the bodies from view", they could just make a bodybag swep or smth where, if you use it on a dead ragdoll, it will either disappear after you spend a little time interacting with it or turn into a garbage bag which can be hidden away


Super Administrator
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Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Zen,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We feel this is an unnecessary change, and would make it harder to play as a DC or disguised DClass which is not a line we want to push. It may also introduce entity lag, especially in cases where many people are dying in a breach for example.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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