Crabber's ECA App [USA]

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528649530
Discord name: Crabbergames
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Approximately since June 2023
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Alaskan Daylight Zone
Character name(s): Crabber, Frost, Hammond Fammond, Bobby McJewel
Civilian name: Bobby McJewel
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Currently holding Lieutenant for MTF E11
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One warning that is labeled under FearRP/Ltarp. I received this war after I was kidnaped by CI while I was still new too the server, while being kidnapped while they blinded me I was crouching and then my game crashed and when I loaded back in I offered to be brought back over but the person that took me into the sit refused too send me back.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I believe I am the best candidate for a Assistant for various reasons. A very big reason is that I am always very professional and I am known for being professional. Those that know me also know that I put my all into anything I do and I am always looking too add more roleplay to the server. Another big reason I feel that I am fit for this role is my extensive background, I have many experiences in all departments in the server and have even shown my dedication by working my way up the MTF E11 ladder and becoming a Lieutenant and helping others around me, even offering advice where I can. Lastly, I have a deep understanding of the legal codex and the code of ethics, I also have experience as staff on the server so I also have a deep understanding of the server rules as a whole. I hope this shows the dedication and experience I would bring the too the table.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- The main responsibilities of a Ethics Committee Assistant is to ensure the code of Ethics is being followed and helping the Ethics Committee with any tasks they may need of you. Other than the responsibilities already list a Ethics Assistant has many other roles on top of their main roles. Due to the nature of the job a Ethics Assistant is also responsible of looking over documents made by researchers and ensuring they are ethical and approving them if they are. A Assistant also works on paperwork for the site and even checks the document database too ensure that any documents being uploaded are properly made. When not working on paperwork Assistants job is to check in on the rest of the site and ensuring that each department is being professional and ensuring that they are working ethically. During codes a Assistant also has a major role in helping coordinate with the rest of the site and authorizing the proper equipment needed to keep the site secure. Assistants can also play a role in reaching out too GOC for help if needed or requested by a Ethics member. A Assistant when needed is also responsible in making sure that the Code of Ethics is updated to ensure it is being followed properly. Lastly a Ethics Assistant serves many roles in the site and is responsible in ensuring that all operations in the site are running smoothly and ethically.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Crabber was first found in Alaska as a Entomologist and hired by the Foundation due to his extended experience in research and biology. Once recruited by the Foundation Crabber worked as a researcher for many years working his way up to the line of senior researcher. Once Crabber reached the job of senior researcher he decided to extend his experiences towards law getting a degree for it. After, receiving his law license Crabber decided to work towards joining Internal Affairs, the reason he decided he wanted to do this is due to the fact he felt after watching the members of Gensec treat the D Class poorly that it was his role to step to the plate and ensure that the mistreatment wouldn't continue and he couldn't stand to watch it anymore. After working in Internal Affairs Crabber's combat skills and ability too detain those that broke the code of ethics or the legal codex brought the attention of MTF E11 where they recruited him for his combat skills. Once joining MTF E11 Crabber realized the importance of their job and that things weren't really that simple, and after watching his comrades die around him due to breaches worked up the ladder to protect those around him. After working with E11 and the foundation and climbing up the ranks Crabber made it to CSG and then was ranked up to Lieutenant due to his dedication and commitment to the foundation. After working in a command position within E11 for awhile Crabber then applied for a Assistant and obtaining a different name in hopes to protect the Foundation and the future from the threats of the SCP's while not losing their humanity.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Crabber's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are not yet suited to become an Ethics Committee Assistant. For details regarding your denial feel free to contact any Ethics Committee Member. You may reapply after two weeks.
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