Denied D-Class scrap collection rework for research purposes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

The following suggestion, if added would change these things:
  • Increases general scrap collecting output by 1.5x, allowing faster scrap collection including other scrap collecting buffs such as VIP & Steam name including
  • Changes the scrap piles from having global outputs to have individual cooldowns for each person that are slightly longer than the current global CD for scrap.
  • Adds a cap of daily collectable scrap (1000-1500).
  • Adds a total collectable scrap limit (2000).

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Positives & Negatives listed on a 1-5 scale on how important I believe they are, 5 being very important and 1 being least important.​

  • Recently, from what I've heard at least, research has fallen on hard times for a few reasons. But, the main reason I've gathered from surveys is that it's difficult to play non-combative, strictly RP roles when the facility can sometimes feel like it's always in lockdown mode. Whether that be from a constant Code 5/Code Black, to a Code 2 that lasts hours, to a CI raid, sometimes it feels like you're set up to fail by the server's mechanics, despite many attempts to fix it. However, I believe this would be the perfect solution that both D-Class and Foundation enjoy. With this update, it would make scrap farming less tedious, and easier for new players, but in exchange, would make there be effectively a small cap on how much you can just... Brute-force an unsuccessful riot just to kill farm in airlock. You could still collect items from dead bodies to continue your riot, but eventually you'd have to stop the crusade if you weren't getting any sizable results. [5/5]
  • GENSEC becomes more fun, less stressful all around, but you could still get action packed moments if D-Class actually unite to riot. [4/5]
  • Less volatile potential for scrap grinding with the total scrap cap (I've seen some people solo-carry riots for hours just because of a couple days worth of scrap grinding). [3/5]
  • Gives more potential for D-Class to become a threat to the site, rather than just a long drawn annoyance that only serves to waste your time, if timed right by D-Class during a C5/C1 for example. [3/5]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • The update isn't received well. [1/5]
  • Dedicated die-hard D-Class mains do not enjoy it, as they can't riot 24/7. [2/5]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think it could be great for both sides of the coin.

Easier grinding, allows multiple people to grind at the same time and not be greeted by the scrap collection fail prompt,
in exchange for less overall potential for a severely long C2 if people were to spend a couple minutes grinding for a pistol every death (which I consider a bad thing).


Programming Team
Feb 9, 2023

I feel that the scrap mechanics really don't need a rework. If somebody is willing to grind for hours or days to pull off a successful riot that is fun for them and gensec, let them.
Riots are part of what drives activity for the security department. I really don't see any reason to nerf D-Class when they are already severely outnumbered and underequipped. Their ability to buy a few weapons, with already pre-existing time restrictions on them, and some other items, really isn't so powerful that it deserves to be nerfed further.
If and when a riot lasts for several hours (which does not occur as frequently as some would like to think, most riots stop before the 1 hour or 30-minute mark, and a lot of people jump to call riots for very minor reasons), it is no longer an issue of D-Class being "too powerful" and rather an issue of the security department not handling the riot properly due to incompetence.
There are already effective methods apart from unreasonably nerfing D-Class to stop riots, such as calling in MTF backup and sweeping D-Block. Overall, I rarely see riots "preventing roleplay", and this is more of an in-character issue when security personnel refuses to provide D-Class for researchers because of Code 2 (even though testing is allowed during it).

You labeled the suggestion as for "research purposes" but never stated or explained how it would benefit research. The only plausible way I see this as benefitting research is if players stopped being able to riot as D-Class, and then switched over to research to do something else due to their discontent with the current state of D-Class.
However, such a thing will likely not happen. I will state again that researchers can easily test during riots. The lack of research is not a result of the number of riots, and "fixing" riots will not fix the research department.

Overall, I feel that this suggestion will not help the server, and it will likely harm it as it will make D-Class less fun to play, make riots near-impossible to pull off and do nothing to improve gameplay as a result.
Riots are part of what drives activity for the security department. I really don't see any reason to nerf D-Class when they are already severely outnumbered and underequipped. Their ability to buy a few weapons, with already pre-existing time restrictions on them, and some other items, really isn't so powerful that it deserves to be nerfed further.

I don't understand this part. Of course riots are why GENSEC exist, otherwise we wouldn't have GENSEC, but it'd be nice if they could get a break every once in a while, and instead have to deal with big, looming riots where all of the D-Class band together for one big riot rather than hyper frequent mosquito-buzzing esque riots that never end up going anywhere.

I feel that the scrap mechanics really don't need a rework. If somebody is willing to grind for hours or days to pull off a successful riot that is fun for them and gensec, let them.
Except for the most part the grind isn't the fun part, it's the payoff. If there was a lot less grind, in exchange for less long-term riot potential, but the ability to have more scrap for when you DO riot, is a trade-off I'm sure a lot of D-Class would make. Examples:

PRE-RIOT GRIND: Grind dependent, impossible to riot without wasting time, but is incredibly annoying when you do.PRE-RIOT GRIND: A lot easier to grind, and a lot easier to convince fellow D-Class to grind scrap out for a bit to riot with you since everyone can grind together at the same time without it being a cut-throat competition of whoever has the highest speed stat (BUFF).
LENGTH OF RIOTS: Easy to make riots last a long time by spamming the airlock door and constantly repeating the cycle of slightly pushing & retreating, rarely actually doing anything.LENGTH OF RIOTS: Success of a riot overall is quickly decided, and is dependent on how many people band with you to riot, and when you decide to riot. If you riot when there's no other distraction in the site, you won't be rewarded with being able to constantly come back and summon a code out of the air (NERF).
POTENTIAL FOR RIOT: You'll rarely ever see a D-Class reach anywhere past D-Block door
POTENTIAL FOR RIOT: With this change, it will be a LOT easier to convince people to band together to riot, as they will be more willing to spend a few minutes grinding for resources instead of wasting 20 minutes grinding for a single riot while the scouts steal their scrap. Perhaps, if lucky, if the riot is pulled during a Code, and if you have the numbers, you can actually have a successful riot.

So, overall, I'd consider it a buff, despite the length of riots technically being worse off on average.

You labeled the suggestion as for "research purposes" but never stated or explained how it would benefit research.

yes i did ?

Overall, yes, the numbers might be off a bit, but the overall idea I think would help basically everyone out. I think the idea has grounds, enough at least for a partial approval.
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Johnny "Stink Lord" Jones

Well-known Member
May 1, 2023
-support, 2000 cap means no 5000 scrap mcdonalds cheese burger,

as a dboy frequenter im happy with the way things are, and when i play scientist ive never felt the need that i HAVE to have a dboy in order to RP. it could just be the way i function but since dblock is only for dangerous testing anyways, ive found that theyre only sometimes needed for the bits that i want to do.
-support, 2000 cap means no 5000 scrap mcdonalds cheese burger,

as a dboy frequenter im happy with the way things are, and when i play scientist ive never felt the need that i HAVE to have a dboy in order to RP. it could just be the way i function but since dblock is only for dangerous testing anyways, ive found that theyre only sometimes needed for the bits that i want to do.
Personally disagree, but fair enough. Though, I do think overall it would make both sides more fun, and while the current system is definitely not bad at all, it can be expanded upon & made better, like anything.


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
I’m unsure why others are -supporting this as this would in general need quite a bit but what about and active cap that refreshes every few hours, let’s say 2500 scrap every 30 minutes, the time and scrap limit could be adjusted based on how players react and how much of a nerf it is


Active member
Dec 7, 2022
what this suggestion boils down to:
buff scrap gain for people who pay money/played for months to get money
make riots easy to shutdown in the early stages by A-1 f they just decide to disguise and go to d-block (they do it often because its funny i agree with this sentiment)
make scrap grind slightly easier but you can only have 2000 scrap (barely even enough for uzi and lvl 2 lmfao)
-massive negative support
the idea of individual cooldowns is cool but having such a low scrap limit sounds god fucking awful
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Reactions: Caesar Kuznetsov


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Caesar Kuznetsov ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

The lack of research roleplay is not because of the riots caused by D-class, but lack of structure in the research department. This, however, is being worked on. Furthermore, your suggestion only makes scraps easier to get, not harder. This is not needed with the current amount of riots.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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