Daniel Bob Medical Consultant App [USA]

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023

Out Of Character Information

Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
I have 1874 Hours on SCP-RP USA

I am 15 years old

In what country are you located?
I live in Australia

Time zone

Foundation name(s)
Daniel Bob
MTF "Neptune"

Civilian name
Daniel Rob

Chaos name
Daniel bobs

GOC name
Daniel "Phantom" Bob

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I am applying for medical consultant on SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
I am currently holding the following whitelists/MTF, SCP-096, MTF-O1 SPC, UNGOC LCPL, Executive Researcher, and finally DEA Senior Agent. I Have Held the Following Whitelists/MTF, GSD Captain, CI-Gamma, MTF-E11 CSG.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
No as I am a Senior Moderator on SCP-RP-USA

In Character Information

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
I am applying for medical consultant because I enjoy medical and I find it fun to play I also would like to expand my RP within Medical and help make the medical department more better.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?
I have good document writing skills and I know how to sub manage a department I also have good RP skills that I can apply to medical and as well as I have some good Ideas that I would like to be put into medical

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice
I will be explaining Step by Step how to preform Electro Shock Therapy

Step 1: Do they need it
It is important to make sure people need EST as so time people come in thinking they need EST when they don't some invalided Reasons for EST are
- Blindness
-Seeing SCP-096 face
-Thaumatologist seeking inversion healing.
-Having a fracture
-Being sick with a curable illness

Step 2: Questions
The First Question: you must ask is have you been revived in this lifetime. if they have been revived you cannot proceed.
The Second Question: you must ask if they consent to EST If they do not consent you may not proceed. Note Exceptions can be that if ethics or SC or DEA order you to because they have reason to believe that they are 914ed.

Step 3: The Light
It is important to tell your patient to turn and face the wall when once the harpoon is thrown tell your patient not to go into the light

Step 4: Harpooning
Once you have picked up your harpoon you are to throw it at the patients chest. they should fall to the ground Note if the patient has armor it may take more than one attempt.

Step 6: Defibrillation
Pick up your harpoon and immediately start to defibrillate the patient using your defibrillator. It may take multiple shocks before they stand up again be sure to tell them not to go to the light.

That details all the steps you need to preform Electro Shock Therapy

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?
The responsibilities of the medical consultant is to make sure med bay is well manage in the abates of the department directors as well as help the DOMS with managing the department behind the scenes as well as making sure people are doing there job properly and finally teach people on how to become a doctors by teaching them how to preform EST and how to fix peoples broken legs and arms

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in
After falling into SCP-939s containment chamber and having his arm ripped off Executive researcher Daniel Bob started doing some volunteer work for the medical
department to try and see if he could find a way to grow his arm back it failed so instead Daniel Bob began construction on a cybernetic arm that took him about a week to make it however in that week Daniel bob had still been doing his work for the medical department making medicine and preforming EST as well as helping people with there fractured arms when one Day Daniel bob was on F2 eating his lunch working on some documents for both medical and research he was kidnaped by two members of the chaos insurgency and was taken all the way to there base and was left there about 12 hours in those 12 hours Daniel bob was subjected to unspeakable amounts of torturer and had his cybernetic arm ripped off of him and was later sold back to foundation. after that incident Daniel bob sent 2 weeks making his new Cybernetic arm with anomalous metal that has the ability to absorb energy and redistribute it out for

defiance. Once Daniel Bob had finished his work he was asked to make a cybernetic leg and hand for a researcher who lost it to SCP-TYPE-GREEN while trying to get him out for a cross test Daniel bob was able to make a cybernetic leg and hand within 4 hours however it does not have any anomalous traits after this Daniel bob has decide to try and go for medical consultant to try to better under stand people and SCP objects physiological mind set.

Aug 23, 2022
From the Department of Medicine

Greetings Mr. Bob,

Thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply for the position of Medical Consultant.

After discussion with my team, your application has been Accepted.
You will now undergo a standard trial period of two weeks.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience to set up a time for your training and interview.​

Department Director
Jason Schlatt
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