Daniel 'Silk' captain application

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Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598916383
Discord name: Xrz#5311
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4-5 months now
In what country are you located?: Bulgaria
Time zone: Eastern European Time
Character name(s): Daniel 'Silk'
Civilian name: Daniel Peterson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: 096 (holding) MTF E-11 PVT (held retired) NU-7 PVT (holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: NLR, META, FAILRP I only remember NLR a disguised guard was on a team with SCP he killed me so I killed him back
Why are you applying for Security Captain? Because I know how to stop a raid and train cadets, and officers,sgt's I will make sure everything in d-block is guarded and secure and no d-class is being wasted
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I am very active as I will make sure every cadet becomes a pro at their job
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: Make sure every gensec is doing their job right and protect d-block at all cost
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in Daniel Silk was born back in august 17 [REDACTED] USA, Ohio Daniel was in a decent family and went to a decent school after finishing his school years daniel went to the army finding new friend Mark unfornetly mark died in a war in front of Daniel after that 2 months later Daniel got promoted to a trainer and became one of the best from the best making every soldier at his training machine after that he was invited in the S.C.P foundation to serve as captain and train new cadets to become real machines the world haven't seen
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Nov 16, 2022
+ suport

active in game
he will be good leader

didnt finish whole thread


Well-known Member
Aug 27, 2021
- Support
> I have never seen you on GENSEC.
> You put no effort into this application.
> You put out 2 applications in the same day.
> I haven't really had many interactions with you.

Good Afternoon Mr. Peterson,

This application was denied as your reasons for applying for the position are unfounded, your suitability for the role is questionable and the application does not evidence a strong enough understanding of the role of the GSD Captain. You may apply for this position again in 2 weeks.

Kind regards,
Chief of Security 'Eidolon'.
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