Denied DC/Espionage Raid Guidelines

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Make it so that DC/Espionage raids require some sort of "objective" whether it be to gather intelligence, breach SCP(s), etc. I've seen tons of DC raids since my time here where all the deep covers or assessment team does is shoot people (Not counting hits placed on people). That's the entire raid. This just makes it so DC raids are basically a loophole to Mass RDMing people.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Better reasoning means DC's have to be planned better.
- Increases the amount of RP that can happen on site as opposed to just turning the site into TDM.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It's pretty self-explanatory. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that you shouldn't be able to raid just to kill people unless it's a targeted assassination on a specific person. Otherwise running around on potent with a freedom does not make any sense in terms of RP and just is Mass RDM.
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Textbook Soy Suggestion, you're mad I sent my personal political assassination hitsquad to assassinate you and your assistant friends. They were tasked with doing that, and they carried out their task to completion. As far as I see it, valid raid reason right there.

If you want me to explain in detail why I sent 780 after you, I'd be more than happy to on Discord. tsdksecond


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

Textbook Soy Suggestion, you're mad I sent my personal political assassination hitsquad to assassinate you and your assistant friends. They were tasked with doing that, and they carried out their task to completion. As far as I see it, valid raid reason right there.

If you want me to explain in detail why I sent 780 after you, I'd be more than happy to on Discord. tsdksecond

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that you shouldn't be able to raid just to kill people unless it's a targeted assassination on a specific person.

Please read the entire suggestion before you get all hyped up. I'm more-so talking about CI DC raids where they run around with potent and a freedom shooting everyone they see (again, read the entire suggestion - this was used as the prime example).

killing people in a DC raid causes chaos and killing HVT's are fun
Again, please read the entire suggestion. My suggestion covers that killing HVTs should be valid.
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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
- Support if people want to waste raid cooldowns and keycards and risk captures to kill people for fun, that's on them
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