DEA Utility loadout change


Active member
Apr 13, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove
Replace the Fang-45 into the Fn2000
Replace the Ump-45 with the GYR SRB
Add door charges for both Sr agent and agent

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
No, Not that I have been able to find

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
The utility role gets a major buff which it has needed for a while.
It balances surface combat a little bit more (Surface combat is heavily GOI sided)
DEA can use door charges which is very useful for stuff such as auditing MC&D and raids on CI.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None that I can think of.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted
Even after the recent buffs to the Fang-45 and Ump-45 the utility role is still significantly underpowered for a SOP role especially when fighting CI. The Fang-45 and the UMP-45 make the role almost completely unusable even with the grenades's. These change's would allow for the utility role to have a soild weapon as well as a getting very useful ability on surface.
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