Dev Application

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New Member
May 26, 2024
In-game name:r2pair1
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:710040755
For how long have you played on our servers?:maybe 2 weeks idk
What country are you from?:USA
Time Zone:na eastern
Do you have a mic?:yes

Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones:

Have you received any bans?:nope

How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide):10

Do you have any experience with Git?:jus an little bit i used to make games and scripts on roblox i have alot of games that i still make profit from this day it uses lua too so im very good at lua im tryna try GLua and see whats its like in the environment of an Glua and ill get more experience working with more people.

Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:Nope, Come from roblox lua but know the basics will follow along pretty quickly.

How many hours can you commit to developing per week: 68

Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:Anti cheat and other things countering exploits and just maybe new ideas new interactive systems.


Civil Networks Employee
Group Moderator
Dec 26, 2020
Hi Nunbug - we typically ask to see some examples of things created within Garry's Mod when it comes to developer applications. This can be anything but preferably at least a few projects that we can view on GitHub or some showcase videos/images of things you have created before we can consider an application. I would recommend familiarising yourself with gLua specifically (which should be easy with established lua experience) as well as spending some time in the community as a whole before making a developer application.

I'll be locking this for now but you are free to make another application in at least 2 weeks time.
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